Nct Dream - Renjun Pt.2

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Part two for my boy @marciothybroken Happy Birthday Handsome, ily so so so much and without further ado let's get it 💝👑.

Third person P.O.V

*Time skip brought to you by Renjun's smile*

Renjun had for a short while a temporary distraction to his boy problem and that was to throw himself into his work, practising until late, extra vocal classes (not like he really needed them), preparing his character for their 'Go' comeback and pitching in writing which was a new experience for him.

While drowning himself in work was productive it didn't work for very long as the fans took a liking to their very own fanboy, a rare occurrence but perhaps even rarer was how Renjun's eyes lit up every time they met is brown ones without fail...  needless to say the fans quite liked their little fanboy getting paid gold.

Videos surfaced of that fan sign and NCTZens were losing their shit some were so happy for this young boy, some shipped them too and others were envious as pure jealousy raged through their veins, real shame they weren't Marcio isn't it?

Marcio's P.O.V
"Hey, Hun" I hear her say into the phone as her face appears on my screen.

"Noonaaaaaaaaaa" I smile widely.

"You know you're the talk of Nct stan twitter even after all this time, right?"

"Um Noona, I don't have twitter remember" I whine.

"Ugh fine I'll send you the receipts" she giggles.

"oh and Marcio..." she adds.

"Yes, Noona?" I question tilting my head to the side.

"I think you've got Renjun W H I P P E D" she giggles ending the call.

"WELL BITCH" I screech, how could she just do me like that, clearly he doesn't like me... why would he? I am after all just a fan.


my phone goes off and it is from her, low and behold there they were would have to be about a hundred tweets all talking about how Renjun and I acted like soulmates at that one fan sign I went to the one time not too long ago, I doubt he even remembers me...
why would he?

*One Week Later, brought to you by my ever lasting pain and inability to be creative past 2 am :) oh and #MARJUN*

Renjun's P.O.V
Marcio freaking Marcio, this kid needs to leave my thoughts and Stan twitter's trending for real.

"Renjun" I'm snapped to reality by Mark Hyung's voice oh how I wish he sounded as sweet as my Marcio did, my Marcio... Gee I like the sound of that.

"RENJUN!" Ugh.

"WHAT HYUNG?" Silence is this man for real.

3rd person P.O.V
Renjun huffs getting off his bed and walking down to the lounge room to find Mark, only to be greeted by a face he never expected...

"Um Hi Renjun" the young boy replies awkwardly sitting in the couch surrounded by the dreamies, Taeyong and Doyoung.

"How? What? When? Who?" Was all Renjun could think to say so Mark buts in.

"Well we all got sick of listening to your whining, complaining and crying, so we figured why not track down the boy who's got you smitten" at this Marcio feels his cheeks heat up, surely he's being pranked that's the only logical explanation for all this.

"So we did just that and brought him here" Jisung smiles a cheeky kind of smile.

"you're welcome Hyung, now please shut up your whining is getting annoying" he smiles running to his room.

One by one the boys leave the room allowing Renjun and Marcio to be alone, shyly Marcio shuffles in his seat, Renjun however tackles the boy landing on top of where the boy once sat up straight.

Without even thinking Renjun leans in and within seconds kisses Marcio in the lips, a sweet and loving kiss filled with meaning and longing, a longing to be with the one he loves.

"Marcio, be mine?" he said, lips moving before he even had time to process what he just said.

Shocked the young boy mustered up as much courage as he could to reject the love of his life, "Renjun, we can't and you know it." Sighing Renjun fights back.

"Screw what anyone else says Marcio, you've got me hooked and I can't keep going without you" tears brimming both boys eyes Marcio finally accepts the confession, which he would have never even dreamed of.
"of course Renjun, of course... I was already yours anyways" smiling Renjun takes Marcio in his arms kissing his head while cuddling on the couch, both boys watching a movie until they fall asleep comforted by nothing more than each other's embrace. It'd be them against the world from this moment until the last and neither of them would want it any other way.

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