Nct U/127/Dream - Mark

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Title: Cassie are you Okay? / inspired by the Chase Atlantic songs of the same title. (Bold)
Description: Dating Mark Lee was a dream come true but...Would you ever be more than Okay?
You = Cassie
Warning: mention of depression and anxiety and possible drug abuse.

Cassie's P.O.V
Everyone leaves eventually either out of your life or out of everyone's, days are numbered and time must come to an end. My time had come and if not I was going to ensure this was my final venture, Mark didn't deserve this he was so sweetheart, kind, warm and loving and I was a complete mess. He didn't deserve to deal with my bullshit 8 months he's put up with it and I've only gotten worse, he wasn't gonna let me go so I had to ensure I could no longer hurt him with my damaged ways.

Having my father walk out when I was 5 hurt and even worse when my mother turned to a certain type of powder to relieve her pain, resulting in her addiction, downfall and eventual overdose when I was 10. My uncle took me in and eventually I moved to Canada with him when I was 11, that's when I first met him... Mark Lee the boy with the smile of an angel and the heart of gold who apparently would show me what love truly was. He never pitied me which I liked I don't need pity everyone has a plot twist in their life mine just so happened to be one everlasting nightmare, but that's okay my downfall was nothing too tragic.

Anyways fast forward about 7 years and 8 months ago Mark Lee the well known and seemingly tireless Nct member asked me out when and once again my uncle and I moved this time to South Korea. I lowkey think my uncle only moved so I could be near Mark, he, however, insists he got a promotion.

And finally, current times as I sit in the bathroom of some party ready to end it all with a few little pills, my secret.... when my mum left me I became her, pills now became my escape and I knew all too well there was no way out.

I took my little pleasure and felt my soul leave my body as I become numb to all feeling and darkness takes over.

Third person
In a state of worry Mark Lee sits outside his girlfriend's hospital room after being called by her uncle and informed she had to be rushed straight to a hospital, he was yet to know why.

*before being found*

Darkness took over as Cassie's limp and lifeless pale body flops to the ground, she had overloaded her system the same end that faced her mother on this day exactly 8 years ago.

*Cassie is still unconscious*

As Mark paces back and forward the waiting room knowing too damn well She wasn't alright and there was nothing he could do to help her, constantly conspiring as to how they got here... did he do something wrong? Was he damaging her? Did he hurt her? Heaven forbid it was the last option.

Cassie's P.O.V
My everything hurts feeling returns, I assume I didn't make it too the other side. Great! More explaining and suffering I must endure. Shit, I hope Mark isn't here...
Word count: 566 words
Love Author XXXX

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