Opening Night

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It was the first night of tour, in London, and Lexi had never been as nervous as she was then, even at the competition where it all started. Her and the Road Trip boys would be performing Supermarket Flowers live at the end of their set and she didn't want to mess things up for them, or the other roadies.
But that wasn't the biggest of her worries, not in the least. Firstly Road Trip were late for soundcheck, as they always are, and they only got one rehearsal on the stage. In that rehearsal, everything went wrong. Mikey missed his que, and she tripped over Jack's foot, nearly causing Rye to drop her. They were off beat multiple times, and she was so worried Blair might pull the routine from the show, but he didn't.
Instead, an hour of agonising waiting ensued, as the venue filled up with fans, and then the support acts did their bit. Unable to stand the liveliness of the boys, after only 10 minutes, Lexi went out for a walk. She walked round to the toilets, and then went and sat outside the fire exit, trying to keep herself calm.
It wasn't long after she sat, back to the wall, the fire door slightly ajar, that she felt an arm around her shoulders. She looked up, to see that it was Mikey.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked, sitting down next to her.
"I'm just...nervous I guess...what if I...screw this all up." She replied, feeling the stammer creep back into her voice as it always did when she was nervous.
"It's gonna be okay. You're one of the most amazing people me and the boys have met, and you've taught us so much about courage and standing strong. If anyone's going to mess this up it will be us." He said, pulling her into a tight hug.
Mikey coughed twice, before Lexi pulled away, then he was figuring his ribs.
"Mikey, is there something wrong?" She asked concern written all over her face. He simply nodded, coughing a few more times as he steadied hiss hand under his ribs.
"We need to go back to Blair," Lexi said decisively, lifting Mikey to his feet.
"I'm fine." Mikey said, his voice barley audible, a blatant lie. Despite his protests, Lexi led him back past the toilets, the way she had come a day they returned to the dressing room. Their, she helped him onto the sofa, between Rye and Jack, before turning to Blair who was sat on the sofa opposite.
"He was just talking to me, and then he started coughing and holding his ribs, he says his fine, but he can barley speak. I'm really worried." Lexi said, trying to keep here voice even so the other boys wouldn't hear her stammer.
"Let me go and get Olivia," Blair said. Running from the room to get the only person who had any medical training. They had only half an hour before their set on stage and clearly they were all clueless.
Rye put his arm around Mikey, trying to give him some comfort when he was visibly in so much pain. But they all knew, although it was cute it did very little.
When Olivia arrived, she quickly checked him over. She pronounced that he should be okay, but it should be his choice if he went on stage. Ever defiant, and not willing to give up, slurred on by the thought of not letting the roadies down, Mikey instantly said he would go on anyway, and as they all knew: there was no changing his mind.

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