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Two weeks later, the last tour day was over, and all the boys were feeling the post tour blues. Lexi had not joined them on the last dates, due to her having torn a ligament and two tendons in her foot in the accident. The boys hadn't seen her since they'd left her after she'd been checked in a&e. They'd talked often by text but it wasn't the same.
Therefore, Blair had organise her to come to the flat as a surprise. She was getting the train down, and then Blair was picking her up. Hopefully, it would cheer all the boys up. For Lexi wasn't just a roadie anymore, she was one of their best friends.
She waited nervously at the station for 15 minutes, as Blair was late picking her up. The drive there was silent, Lexi lost in her thoughts and her worries about the boys. When they did get to the flat, Blair told her to go in and that he'd follow her up later. Nervous, Lexi made her way up to the flat, number 64, and pushed the door open. It was unlocked.
The flat was strangely silent, a deathly ghost look overcoming the visible mess left behind by the boys. No shouts of laughter, no excited chattering and no greetings reached her as she slowly walked her way in. Then, all of a sudden, she heard a sniffling, a crying sound coming from Blair's room. Not wanting to intrude, but guessing there was no one else there, she made her way to his room, pushing the door open apprehensively.
Inside, Rye was sat on the bed, his back to her, head in his hands. His shoulders were shaking, the muffled cries coming from him. His phone lay discarded beside him and Lexi had to stop herself from crying too. Trying not to make any sudden noises but making enough noise that Rye would know she was there, she mad where way over to Rye. She sat on the bed beside him, put her arm around his shoulders and let him cry.
After some minutes she spoke.
"Rye, are you okay. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked in a hushed voice, expecting him to refuse. But instead he raised his head to look her in the eye. His eye red and his cheeks wet from crying.
"I'm not good enough for the band. They deserve more than me, and I'm just a hold back on them. I don't know why they out up with me, or any of the roadies. I should just go now, no one would even notice anyway." He said, his voice thick with hate towards himself.
"Why would you ever think that? You're perfect, nothing less and the boys need you, so do the roadies, so do I."
"That's not true, the roadies think I'm worthless, and their right." He said, holding in more tears that threatened to fall.
"Who've you been talking took? Who said these things to you?" Lexi asked. "Because whoever they are, they're no roadie." In answer, Rye simply pushed his phone towards her. Lexi wa shocked at all the messages of hate Rye had open on Twitter, and she realise he was simply ignoring all the good ones, too bogged down in the bad.
"These are lies Rye and you know it." She whispered, as Andy and Mikey suddenly shot through the door, followed by Jack and Brooklyn.
"Hey!" They nodded in greeting to Lexi, more focused on Rye at that moment. "Everything's okay." Mikey whispered, taking one of Rye's hands to let him know he was there.
"You're worth so much more than you realise!" Andy added.

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