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Warning: Contains violence

The next day was Bristol. Mikey, Lexi and (sort of) Rye's hometown show. But it wasn't the same, the boys had managed to keep it quiet over night, on request from Brooklyn, but they knew soon they'd have to tell everyone Andy had disappeared. Blair had out a silent pled out to the police and they were doing what they could to track him, but here was little progress.
The night before had been horrible, Brook and Jack had slept easily, exhausted from the long day. Mikey had slept uncomfortably, for he was still a bit ill but he slept nonetheless. Rye on the other hand had not slept a wink, so worried was he about Andy. The next morning, when they were all gathered in the lobby of the hotel, ready to head to the police station, Rye received a text from Andy. He started shaking, and Mikey had to come and help him to sit down, before he'd even opened it. Blair, Jack, Lexi and Brooklyn came and sat with him too while he opened it.
It was a picture, and underneath it the words:
If you ever want to see this again, be at the bridge @ 12:25 or it's over. Tell no one.
The picture, was of Andy, but he was almost unrecognisable. His face was covered in blood, pouring from a cut along his right cheek, his shirt had been ripped off, and his upper body was littered with bruises. When he opened it, Rye let out an involuntary gasp, and a tear slid down his cheek.
"It's going to be okay," Lexi said. Although there was doubt in her voice.
"You'll have to go Rye. Act like your alone, but we'll follow, with police back up. We will get Andy back, I promise." Blair said, quickly filling the police in by phone and preparing The for the day.
At exactly 12:24, Rye walked out under the bridge, he waited continuously looking around him expecting to see a group of men come running at him. Instead, he was met with a girl, about 15 who lead him to a clearing not far away.
She pinned his arms behind his back, her grip surprisingly tough, and held him facing another group of people. There was man, tall, clearly in charge from the way he stood forward from everyone else and then two more, all with material covering their faces, who held Andy between them; his head hanging, his eyes downward.
"You want him back, you give us what we want." The man said. "Give us the girl, and he goes free. Otherwise.---" he stopped abruptly, walking to Andy, and throwing several more punches, so he gasped and cried out.
"Pleases don't hurt him." Rye begged. "When do you want her?" He asked.
"You text her and tell her to come now. Until then, we hold Andy as hostage."
"No, let him go. Keep me as hostage until she gets her." Rye said, trying to get some firmness into his voice.
"Rye no." Andy whispered.
Suddenly, there were people swarming the clearing, Rye and Andy were being dragged to safety, and the men and the girl being dragged away.

Several hours later, they were all sat backstage ready to go on stage at Bristol. Andy was determined to do the show anyway, and they had made adjustments to their set so he could. He was in a lot of pain, the cut no stitched up but his bruises a prominent reminder of what happened.
"Hello Bristol!" Mikey yelled, as they all ran out on stage, ready to continue as normal.

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