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Some time later, and they were all back in the studio, rehearsing for the Glasgow show the next day. They'd decided to have a rehearsal before all the shows, once Andy and Mikey were well enough to dance again. At Bristol, they had simply cut Andy's lift section, splitting it between Mikey and Jack instead. This meant Lexi still got to perform, without putting extra stress on Andy of Rye.
Glasgow was their last show, and they were all excited, yet sad about it. The last show was always amazing, that's something the boys had discovered over their many tours, but then they'd be forced to leave Lexi again. Naturally, this meant they were making the most of what time they knew they had left together.
That rehearsal was going really well. They were enjoying being together, after a week off, whilst also getting some hard work in. They'd practised everyone's individual parts, apart from Mikey's, and Lexi had done her solo. It was while they were doing Mikey's part, that things took a tumble. He had her up perfectly in the lift, when suddenly he lost his grip. Lexi was on the floor,clutching her ankle, before any of them could think.
Knowing not what else to do, after an hour when the swelling in her foot had not gone down, the boys took her to a&e. She was being so strong, they could see it hurt, but she was trying not to show it. In the waiting room, Lexi sat between Andy and Rye. Mikey had gone to phone Blair and explain to him what had happened, the guilt overriding him.
It was Andy that noticed how down she was first.
"Hey, it's okay to cry you know. You don't have to keep it in for anyone." He whispered, as she turned her face into him and just cried.
"What if I never see you guys as again because of this?" She asked, not ready to give up on her dream yet.
"Lexi, you've done so much for us, in the short time we've known you. We won't leave you now you need us." Rye replied, taking her face in his hands. "Chin up babe, you got this."
Smiling, Lexi turned back to Andy. Both Andy and Rye put their arms around her, as she started to fall asleep.
Mikey came back, after she'd dropped off.
"I feel so bad." He said, so close to tears. "I've finished everything for her, and for us." The guilt was consuming him, but it was an accident, none of it was his fault.
"She doesn't blame you for any of this, so you shouldn't either. It was an accident and you are not to blame. Her getting better quickly is all that matters now." Andy said, putting his other arm around Mikey.
"Everything's going to be okay." Rye added. "She's strong, we're strong, we can get through this."

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