11 (little white lies)

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Soo i'm going to  James and Oliver pov this chapter next will be Skyler.


''when we were making plans for it,Everything  was done.We had everything. traps,alarms,cameras,big lights and the fake dossiers.'' ''Ugh stupid cameras''Oliver said while clicking on some buttons on his desk.''What's that?''. ''I don't know'' Oliver said zooming in.And then we saw it.Someone climbing on the school .The person smiled and waved to the camera before trowing a knife to it.''MOVE!'' i  screamed to Oliver.We went to our hide place waiting for the uninvited guests.They were good.We didn't saw them if the person didn't waved at the camera.Some how they knew the dossiers weren't real.The footsteps stopped.''ONE'' ''CRAZY''.We heard them say.Letting us know that they were ready to play the cat and mouse game.''I know how to get there'' A girl said.''You're not going to dance are you?'' So there were two girls.But this one sounded amused like going to a movie or a disco.Weirdo.The she yeah She stepped in to the big light Showing her outfit.It was black with a little hat in her hair.She was small for her age.Not to much.''Sh*t she got spray for the alarms'' I whispered in the walki talkie.''Got it,She's kinda cute''.''I just didn't hear that'' i whispered back.But i smiled.Oliver never called a girl cute.Then she started to dance(the dance is in this video).It was hard not to laugh.But man she could dance.And i was shocked .Without the spray,She danced to the middle.Like if she knew were to stand.And she got to the middle.BOOM. alarm broken. i noticed the other girl was checking for alarms not knowing she was right under a trap. When CRAZY stopped dancing and turned around she noticed the shiny silver thing above her partner.''watch out!'' She screamed pushing 'ONE' away.Stupid girl. I grabbed 'ONE' by her arms. i i I    I din't suspected to be smashed to the ground by the girl who was smaller than me.'ONE' gave so fast as she could Some keys to 'CRAZY'.''Run! Get the hell out of here!''She screamed. i was confused.Was she leaving this girl behind ? But then i saw her running,Not to the exit. I was busy fighting with 'ONE'.When i heard a scream of pain.Oliver pulled 'CRAZY' To the ground.'ONE' got out of my grip and started to run to the toilets.Sh*t this wasn't going to be easy. I started to run leaving Oliver and 'CRAZY' behind.


i heard  a scream of pain leaving out the mouth of 'CRAZY'. when i pulled her to the ground.''Goth ya''.But she kept struggling.She wasn't planing on giving up even when her knee hurt.She managed to get out of my grip and started to run.I followed her.Man she can run fast for a girl.So  fast as i could i followed her.Her hair was light brown with one of two curls.Wait...what.She kept looking next to her while saying numbers.I started to run faster when we came closer to our plan room.''Sh*t'' I said.She started to smile when she noticed my sudden move.And quickly stopped, opened the door,Grabbing our dossiers and plans.''How?'' was al i could say.''You kept running after me so i thought following your shadow would lead me to the REAL room".She said with a smile.


Heard toilets door open and closing at the same time.''Smart move but the door will end soon for you 'ONE'.''you're really smart'' ONE said sitting on the corner of the door. She had blue eyes.Like the see,I lov...WAIT  a minute! I started to run but ONE was smarter than me and started to do the same thing again .By the last toilet it stopped.''Goth ya'' I said pointing with my weapon(not a gun eh mm  a stick...worst idea ever)''What the room was empty when i checked all the toilets.''Oliver ONE got away. I mean the girl got away!'' I screamed in the walki talkie.


.''Oliver ONE got away. I mean the girl got away!'' I heard James scream.She looked at me.''CRAZY!''.She looked out the window.Before she jumped she grabbed my face and kissed my cheek.Her lips were small and soft...Wait..WHAT?!.''You're really cute,It's a shame you are one of them''she said jumping out the window.I was shocked and ran to the window.pwieh ONE catch her.Wait..WHAT AGAIN?!.Damn i'm confused.''Crazy jumped out the window,ONE catch her move outside room 7'' I said running down the stairs .When i got outside i heard James scream ''Oliver they are here.''.''I always wanted to try this'' We heard ONE saying to CRAZY before we were in a cloud of smoke..''ugh...ouch(i'm bad at making couching sounds so sorry for that C:)were are they?!''James screamed trying to get the smoke away.But everything we tried to do failed.Soon we hear a car racing away.''They got away'' James said when we were back in our room. My head full of the Crazy girl who kissed my cheek.

Jeeeej back to skyler.

I looked at Oliver who blushed a little.''Seems you have competition Miss Black'' the teacher joked.Now it was my time to blush.''But what a great story,Guess they weren't lucky.they were good''. Rooz smiled.''Yeah i think so''.''I agree'' I said.James looked weird at us.''Want to walk with us?''James asked Rooz.''Yeah i'd like to'' She said smiling.''Some'one like him''Oliver whispered in my ear.I nodded. I giggled.YEAH i giggle,got a problem with that.''Omg did you just giggle?''Rooz asked.''Maybe...''. ''Do it again it was sooo cute!'' Rooz said jumping up and down.''Why?''.''Oliver it's cute right?''Rooz asked. I looked at him.''W-what?'' He asked.''Man, are you even listening'' James said rolling his eyes.''She just GIGGLED and Angeline asked if she could do it again because it's cute but Kathline asked why''.''Because it 's cute''Oliver said looking at me. I started to giggle.''Omg it's really cute''Oliver said smiling.''Aaawh you make her blush''Rooz  said clapping her hands.''You're crazy''James said.We froze .Did he found out.''No i'm not''. I am ONE Rooz thought.Stupid boy.But damn you're cute.James be ready when i will see you next time... 

''LADY'S'' we heard Edward scream.''We have to go''Rooz said giving James and Oliver a hug. I wanted to do the same.I gave James a short hug and when i gave Oliver a hug i give him a kiss on the cheek.''I'm better'' I said sticking out my tongue to Oliver.While James was rolling over the ground and laughing hard.''Well i don't want to interrupt your love story .But Kathline greets people in this way.But only close friends,So don't worry'' Rooz said to Oliver .''Bye James can't wait to see you again,Here are mine and Kathline number''.Rooz waved them good bye and followed me to the car.''I'm going to love this place''.Rooz smirked''ME to''.Edward looked at us with  a raised eyebrow.''Why...''Before getting hit by a pillow that was in the big car.

Sooo i hope you like this story.

Omg 131 reads, 19 votes(hope that will be more) and 12 comments !!!!!!!!!!!

Bye bye twinsies

p.s i updated The day that i met you.

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