14 x

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This chapter is for a person who deserves it,Keep strong x

I looked at the picture.Jack that was his name.Cute name.But IE no,He was my dad.

I mean my mother was pregnant of him...I think.

He loved her,And i'm happy for that.

''you have your dads eyes''My mother said.

''Mum you scared me''I said giving the picture to her.

''Sorry'' She said giving me a warm hug.

We looked at the photo.

Maybe life wasn't that bad.

And maybe i could have a life when this was over.

No more running.

The next morning we had two hours free. Rooz was still sleeping.Her hair messy from last night.I smiled when i looked at the picture.Maybe i should write a letter to him.

I closed the envelop with some pink tape.Leaving no DNA on the letter.One hair our finger print could mean the end of my fake life.''Angeline...Rooz wake up''I said looking at the letter.''Good morning...It's Angeline''Rooz said Putting on her clothes.I was already dressed.''What are we going to do when we see Oliver and James?.''Ignore them, i have something to bring back''I said putting my clothes for missions in my bag.''So you're going to our dad?''.''Yeah''.We walked to the car.''Sorry i was making you lunches'' Edward said running to the car with two boxes in his hands.''For who is the letter?''Edward said.''Dad''Rooz said.''You...two have seen your dad?''.''No but i'm going to...''.''Does your mother know that?''.''Yes''.When we were at school.The teacher still made jokes about Oliver and me.''I will take them outside,you have one hour before we have class again''Rooz said running to James and Oliver.''Perfect''I whispered quickly chancing my clothes.I run to the stairs in the back of the school.Oops camera.Well they will check it when we have class so i don't have a problem.I  found the room.Hearing one person talking.my hands were shaking.I heard footsteps coming to the door.The door went open...I ran around the corner of the hall.The person walked to the other corner.''Stupid kids''I heard him mumble.I quickly ran in to the room Sitting on the big chair he had.I heard his footsteps,And i smiled.He just walked in to the room,Sat behind his desk,And started to talk to the other person on the phone.''About CRAZY...''And then he saw me sitting in the chair.''She's here'' . he hung up because the voice on the other side started to scream.I guess i don't have that much time any more.''Calm down i'm not going to shoot you'' i said trying to break the tension.He looked at me.''I'm sorry for stealing your picture...Look this is my and ONE birth card,Mum had to remove our names,Sorry for that.Giving him the letter.''I'm jack'' was al he said before reading the letter. 


Well sorry i don't know what to write,Hello?No your my dad,I think.I stole or lend your picture.You probably think i stole it.Wouldn't surprise me.I can't say my name.I'm Crazy,one of the teen spy in the Organization.My partner in Crime is ONE,She is  like a sister for me.She IS my sister,We're twins.Yeah she wanted to tell you,Really i'm not lying.We still go to high school,We know Oliver and James.I'm 15 years old,Love black,Like to dance,act and singing is more for ONE.School is boring and my teacher is scaring me as hell.She's al the time looking at me.Because we know Oliver and James.Maybe we are classmates...Please don't tell that to them.If they  find out our ID,they will hate us!!!I'm sure,they will hate us. Do You know how pain full it is?I hit Oliver,like a punch on his cheek.He will smile at the fake me,but hate the real me.So you can give the letter to them, I don't care.Mum really wants to say sorry for the glass.he he She isn't good in shooting,And in cooking...Don't even try.Ugh this is the worst letter ever.I can't say a thing to you,or else they wil find us.I promise dad,One day i will stand at your front door,Give you a hug,saying''I missed you''.So one day you will meet the fake me.I think you will love her.She's small like a girl,Smiles al the time and she calls Oliver ''Jack Frost''.ONE is crazy about James,But last night they had a fight,So now they hate each other,She cried when we came home.She hates his smiling face when he saw our fake us.Knowing he don't knew we were there yesterday.But i want to tell you the good things.Edward makes every morning break feast for us.He takes us to school and always saying good bye to us when he goes back to the house.I made friends...Yeah even them are our friends...I really love history and PE.I have to act like the shy one.Some stupid promise with ONE.I had my first pillow fight and we ate for the first time with our 'police' buddy's.If they knew...But they didn't.Our first mission was excited.I felt like the best spy ever,Running in the night.Laughing at the sight of ONE climbing on the fall.She hates climbing.Meeting James and Oliver.Talking to them.My first fight. A lot of first things in one week.I didn't lived in London,No i lived somewhere like ONE.I had a name,a past.I can't say family.They hated me,like my whole life.Famous.Thanks to the organization i have met mum,My twin sister,Oliver and James,Edward and maybe One day you.And then not the moment when you have to arrest me and ONE :$.So maybe you will see me around...

xxx CrAzY 

p.s Hey dad xxx OnE

p.p.s Sorry for breaking your window .... 

p.p.p.s That was mum !

He smiled.''So you're really my daughter''.''You can meet my sister next time when mum send us on a mission'' I said.''I really want to hug you''He said.I walked to him and we hug-ed.He hug-ed me,nothing more.''Jack''.''That's Oliver''I said.''come in''Jack said totally amused.Rooz got that from him.I just sat on the chair with a book.''Hey jack''Oliver said.''Hey''.''I have a guest''I looked at jack.Clearly annoyed,He will ruin my cover.''Oliver looked at me.''Sorry for you cheek''I tried.But it failed.''You know that's Crazy,the person we're looking for''.''Really?She told me she sold donuts''Jack said.Yep i got the acting from him.''Wait a minute''I said walking to the desk.''Is here a microphone,like the whole school can hear you''.''There'' jack said ''Dude!'' Oliver said still looking at me.''You're so cute when your mad''I giggled.''Hey this is CRAZY!,ONE you suck in distracting people,One of the cuties is in Room D''I said winking to Oliver.''Yep got that from me''Jack said.My phone started to ring.Let it go.''Shh'' I said.Oliver was surprised,Jack tried to hide his smile.''Why are you yelling at me,You would distract them''.''You suck!''Rooz yelled hard enough to hear .''Is that one?''Jack said.I gave my phone to him.''Hello?''Jack said.''Dad?Sorry if crazy messed it up,I swear id didn't knew Oliver was going to you''.''Doesn't matter i let him in''.''Oops got to go James is looking for me bye''.''Bye''.''What the hell i going on here?''.I walked past him.''Oliver''Jack said.''What...wait!''.I was already by the door.Oliver started to run to me.''BYE,DAD!'' i said laughing when i opened the door and started to run.''Omg!''.Everybody saw me running.''I'm here''Rooz yelled.''Mind to play along with me''.''Sure''.''She got Angeline''James said.''Is she your girlfriend,She kinda cute''I said.''O my he's blushing Rooz whispered.''They came running to us.''Run!'' I yelled.When we came by a room,We opened the door and closed it.''We got you,hands in the air!''Oliver yelled.We found some rope.I broke the window.Rooz tied her self up And i sat in the corner of the room With a blanket around me. BANG.the door fell open.''Angeline and ...Kathline''James said cutting the rope by Rooz.''Are you alright?''Oliver asked me.''Oliver?''I said.''Y-You don't recognize me?''He said,shock in his voice .''Jack  frost''I smiled.''Eh James she thinks i'm jack frost''.''Send them to jack''James said helping Rooz up.We send each other a quick smile.''Where are we going?''Rooz said.''To Jack''Oliver said.''I like jack frost''I said happily.Acting.CHECK.''Love u to''Oliver said rolling his eyes.Rooz opened the door And smiled seeing Jack sitting behind his desk.''Hello who are you?''.''They are our classmates,Crazy toke them with her but jumped out the window we think''James said.''Go find her''Jack said.''Can i hug you?''Rooz said.''Sure''Jack said Giving Rooz a hug.''Well we have to go,I just faked It,Of course i know Oliver'' I said walking to the door.Rooz waved to jack and smiled.''Say hi to your mum,Nice to meet you one,You have your mums smile''.''We will''We both said smiling when we walked back to class.Yeah i was really loving this place.

Sooo i hope you like it!!! And never forget everyone is unique xxx xtwinsiesxloverx

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