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''Are you ready?''Edward said looking in the back of the car.''Give us eh 10 /15 minutes''Rooz said looking at the  notes.''What were there plans?''.''Everything is at the front''I said looking at the map.''They toke pictures from the cameras''.''Calm down''Rooz Gave me some pills.I had to take that for the panic attack.Yeah it still bothered me.School was difficult.We had to avoid Oliver and James.There dad had seen the car ,Were is was laying in and oops i forgot the tell that..Yeah they followed us.Edward was distracting them so they could take me to the spy hospital.Sound so sad.But i smiled.''Bye''Edward said.''Wait were are the body guards?''Rooz said climbing in the tree.''No idea''.We walked to the back of the school.''There is light on''Rooz said checking the door.''Room 7..Is at the front..''.''you're smart''.And then someone grabbed us from behind and everything went black.''Did we hit them to hard''I heard Oliver's voice.''No i don't think so..Why would you care?''James said.Yeah right ,why would you care,We are just some stupid spy duo.I felt Rooz moving next to me.Suddenly there was light.''Good evening''Oliver said looking amused.''Shut up''Rooz said.I tried to move my hands.''Stupid,Rope''I said clearly annoyed.Rooz rolled her eyes.''What did you expect?''.''unicorns and rainbows''I spat back at her.''Cool idea,We should make that if we get out of here''Rooz smiled at me.''Sorry lady's that isn't going to happen''James said lifting Rooz chin up so she had to look him in his eyes.Thank god she wore a mask.I tried to move away to the door.I failed ,falling on the ground.I had tears in my eyes.My knee still hurted.''Does it stil hurt?''.I was shocked.His voice was to close.I rolled over.I was laying on my back Facing Oliver.''Hell yeah it hurts''.''Bring her here''James said looking at Rooz who looked to me.How did this happen.First we were just going to steal some data back nothing more.Just  delete some   Data,To keep us save.But now we were trapped in a room.With them.Oliver picked me up.Carefully like if he knew my true ID.Panic.Sh*t this wasn't the best moment.I tried to calm myself.Rooz noticed it.''Sh*t''She whispered.''Let's get started''James said.He showed us pictures of the car.We froze.''Means you know the car''.''Why was the car there?''James said.''ANSWER''Oliver said slamming his hand on the table.Again panic.''Stop''Rooz said.''Hospital''I said with panic.Rooz looked at me.''Why and who.''Accident,CRAZY''Rooz said looking James in the eyes.''What are you doing here?''.''Shopping''Rooz said rolling her eyes.Duh what else would we do?.'I let out a small giggle.Earning a strange look from Oliver.''What's wrong can't a spy giggle?''I said.Yeah i calmed down.''Who are you?''Oliver said.''Eh...I am CRAZY''I tried.James came closer And grabbed me by the rope.''Ouch!''I cried.''Don't hurt her''Rooz said with anger in her voice.''Tells us the Truth''.Oliver said.''Really?''I said kicking James on his feet,Breaking free out of his grip .James tried to catch me but failed.I started to run.Oliver tackled me.''Damn you're good''I said.'Rooz started to laugh.''You're just a idiot''.''So who are you''.''for you a question ,for us a fact''I said.''Then let me remind you,we will find you ID .You can't hide for ever.''We can''Rooz said.''Our dad will find your Boss''.''She was so stupid,Falling in love with a police man''Oliver said.I don't care i have to see him tomorrow But no one calls my mother stupid.I punched his left cheek.''Don't you dare to say that''.''That person she fell in love with must be my dad,so shut the fuck up about him''.''OUCH!'' He held a hand on his cheek.''Let go away''James said.''Good night''.Sh*t we need to escape.I let out my panic.Rooz started to panic Seeing me almost getting a panic attack for the second time.She grabbed the knife out her pocket and cut the rope lose,running to me.''Shh it's alright''Rooz said


''What's she doing?''Oliver said  at  the two girl on the scream.''I don't know but they froze when we showed the pictures of the car''James said writing the notes downs.Name:Crazy and One.AGE:15. That's Al we had.What was there past.Were they already a spy or just a new one?.Who were they.hat giggle it sounded so familiar to us.''An..''we both looked back at the scream.''Shh it's fine''One said.''Hell no it isn't and you know that to!''CRAZY yelled at ONE.''I hate them''ONE said looking in the camera.''Guess we have a problem if we don't get out before it school time''CRAZY said.Wait they are going to school?.ONE looked at CRAZY.''You never ever have seen your dad?''.''So guys who are you?'' We said walking in to the room.''We don't know''They said.''We died''And everything went black.


Rooz trowed some gas bomb and cut my rope.''We have to run now!''She said opening the door.Running to the elevator''I thought we would take the stairs.''Just relax''She said clicking on some buttons of the elevator.''Get her''We heard James scream.Oops.We started to run upstairs.Hearing our footsteps.We stopped.''Hey give me the keys we found yesterday''Rooz said.''Here it's the one with the Golden heart''I said.Rooz opened the door.It was probably some police Room. we started to look around.''Got it''Rooz said clicking on some information.''Omg look at  this...''.I saw a picture of a man who was smiling hand in hand with some woman.''So what?''I said.''That's my mum.." I said when i looked closer. Rooz put the picture in our bag and started to look for documents.''Found you''We heard some say in the opening of the door.''Smart of you,letting us think you toke the elevator''James said closing the door.''Where's..''I felt someone grabbing my arms from behind.''Surprise''Oliver said.Ugh remember me,From now on i freaking hate the word surprise.'Rooz was tired of this.''Should we just tell them''.''What how easy your life is''James said.''What the hell are you talking about''Anger in my voice.''What do you mean?''Oliver said.''Remember  a photo book,But without pictures,without stories,With out memories,No love,just hate,running away,no friendships,Hell we can't even talk to people''I said in one breath.''You two hate us but you love the fake ones''Rooz said slowly walking to the window.And suddenly.BANG.Oliver dove to the ground.still in his arms.Glass all over the room.I opened my eyes.It felt like slow motion until i was picked up.I felt the cold air hitting my body.We were outside.Hearing the sirens of the police coming.Seeing Rooz running next to the person who carried me.I felt save.''Is she alright?''.''Yeah she is''.''You two take a break''.''Bu-''.''It is a order''.''Okay boss''.''What the hell were you doing there?''.


''What were they doing here?'' I asked the two boys.I worked with there dad for 10 years.''They were looking for the data we had about them...'''James said looking at the ground.I looked around,Glass every were in the room.But...wait were is the picture on my desk.I never forgot that.Even when she was a spy  i loved her.Oliver saw me looking.''The girl named CRAZY toke it with her''.I was shocked why would she take it with her.''Find out were they are going to school''.''What did they mean when the said.'We died'.James said.''It means the first time they have completed all the information about them is gone''I said remembering when she explained everything Before she had to escape.She lied to me,I had to do my job.But she always wanted to tell me something.But what was it.''Is there life easy?''Oliver said.''No it's a hell,They can't do a thing,Always running''.''Are panic attacks..'' ''Yeah it can happen to the teen spy's''.James looked at the white pills.''So there past is completely gone''.''No but only the boss knows it''I said.''You know what was weird?Oliver said looking at me.''They said 'You two hate us but you love the fake ones' ''.''It 's means you know them,like there fake personality,You have talked to them.''I said seeing the shocked faces.''S-So we have met them and we liked them as friends''.''I guess it wasn't acting''I said.''They only say that if they care about you,But what happened to your cheek.''I called her boss stupid because she fell in love with you but Crazy hit me and said 'That person she fell in love with must be my dad,so shut the fuck up about him' ''. Dad? O my go..She was pregnant with my child.

TATATATATAM... wow 161 reads, 22 votes and 12 comments :) i'm soo happy 

 So what will Skyler do with the picture?....

I looked at the picture.Jack that was his name.Cute name.But IE no,He was my dad.

I mean my mother was pregnant of him...I think.

He loved her,And i'm happy for that.

''you have your dads eyes''My mother said.

''Mum you scared me''I said giving the picture to her.

''Sorry'' She said giving me a warm hug.

We looked at the photo.

Maybe life wasn't that bad.

And maybe i could have a life when this was over.

No more running.

Hi hi here's a preview for the next chapter xxx-xx XTWINSIESXLOVERX

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