Love Is in the Air

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Jennifer's POV

It has been three days since Paige and Cameron came home drunk. They were in big trouble by Bart. I don't know what got into them. Well I guess it is just life. But back to my life me and Matthew have been going on dates non-stop and he is so so sweet to me it is just not real to me. As I was in deep thought someone covered my eyes.

"Guess who it is?" Someone said.

"My annoying brother who seems to be happy today" I said to Carter.

"Dang it oh well I NEED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING" He yelled uncovering my eyes.

"What?" I said.

"Okay so you know how I am inlove with Anushri?" He said

"Of course I know who doesn't" I said.

"Well I want to ask her to be my girlfriend and I need you help planning it" He said then explaining it. It was literally the cutest way to ask someone out.

"Aw, so this is today right?" I asked.

"Yes now go" He said ushering me to stall Ani since it was hard to stall someone on a bus while it was moving. So I decided to take her into a small room in the bus and just talk.

"So I heard you have the hots for my brother" I told her.

"Yeah" She said blushing.

"You are so cute together" I said

"Well we aren't really together, I guess he doesn't want to commit to me yet" she said all sad.

"Aw don't worry I know my brother and he will one day" I said.

"Well since we are here without Matthew I guess I should admit something" she said. I do not like where this is going. What was she about to tell me?

"So you know how me and Matthew were dating, well we weren't it was all an act to make you jealous" she said quickly.

"That turd" I said angry.

"Please don't break up with him please, he really does love you. You are like his queen and he is your servant" she said. Had Matthew really said that? He must really love me then?

"Just for that I will keep it a secret" I said.

"Well since we are talking about each other I have to tell you hair is not naturally black" she said.

"Really?" I said. What if my brother doesn't like brown hair?

"Don't worry I told Carter and he thinks I am beautiful either way" she said as if in a trance.

"I would not be surprised if you two get married and like die at the same hour" I said making her giggle. I glanced at my clock and decided to head out the room for the big surprise.

"Lets go into the mini kitchen I am thirsty" I made up.

"Okay" She said following me out the door. As soon as she opened the door she was bombarded with flowers. Then she saw the sign made out of rose petals sprawled out on the floor.

"This is not real Carter" she said tears forming in her eyes.

"Sweetheart will you make me the happiest guy ever and be my girlfriend?" He asked and I was on the verge of tears.

"Yes!YES!" She said all happy like.

"CAN YOU LOVEBIRDS SHUTUP I AM TRYING TO TALK TO MY GIRL HERE" He said. I hadn't even noticed everyone on the bus was cranky and sleeping. I walked over to Hayes.

"Whats wrong buddy?" I asked him.

"The girl lied to me about her name" He said huffing.

"Hayes it could've been a mistake" I said

"That's what she said though" He said.

"Well what did she say her name was?" I questioned him.

"She said her name was Abby and then when I called her that she said it was Andy short for Andrea" He said.

"Hayes give it a chance" I told him.

"Fine" he huffed then texted her.

I then walked over to a cuddly Nash and Victoria, I swear they were the cutest couple ever. Then I walked over to a talking Paige and Cameron. Pameron was officially my OTP. Like come on they are perfect. I guess that leaves me alone in the bus. With nothing else to do I fell asleep thinking about Matthew.

Paige's POV

"Cameron what do you mean we can't be?" I said on the verge of crying.

"Look Paige do you like me?" He asked

"Yes of course I do" I said without hesitation. I had made up my mind about the boys and I am inlove with Cameron Dallas.

"What about you?" I said

"Paige I fell hard for you, I love you" He said without lying looking straight into my eyes.

"Then why do you want us to break up?" I asked him.

"I didn' t think you had strong feelings towards me" He said shyly to me.

"But Cameron I love you" I said.

"Prove it then" He said. Did I hear a challenge? I got up off the table we were talking at and opened the bus door a stuck one leg out the moving vehicle. It wasn't that bad right? Uh oh my hand slipped and I fell into incoming traffic. I tried to get up before the car hit me, but I was a second to late. The car forcefully came at me and I was out like a lightbulb. The last thing I heard was Cameron's voice full of worry.

A/N two long updates in a day woah AWESOME WELL BYE I GUESS ILY ALL MY CUPCAKES. Remember each of you are beautiful and each of you have a different frosting

Peace Out


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