New York

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Paige's POV

Did my ears decieve me or did I just hear Matthew cheated on Jen and Shawn embarrassed her? Oh no they are so not going enjoy these next two hours of their life.

"YOU LITTLE RETARDS THINK YOU WOULD GET AWAY WITH THIS SCANDAL" I yelled at them forgetting I was on a plane.

"What the heck Paige?" They asked me.

"How could you do this?" I told them angrily.

"Do what?" They asked oblivious of the scandal they pulled off.

"Oh you know exactly what you two did" I told them.

"Oh yeah it was...yeah I got nothing Shawn?"  Matthew asked Shawn, as if he could make a better story.

"Well Matthew broke an easy promise and I got mad so yeah" Shawn said truthfully. Aw he is so innocent how could he do this?

"I forgive you Shawn because you were just doing the right thing" I said to him.

"And you I hate you , I hope you go die down a  hole and never heard of again" I said to Matt with a smile.

"OO EVERYONE SHUT THE FRONT DOOR UP" Anushri screamed looking at her phone.

"What happened?" Jen said as she peered a look at Ani's phone.


"I hope you had a wonderful flight sweetie, make sure you land, and I love you babe remember that" She said and that was the last thing I heard before the whole plane went black. What the heck?

Anushri's POV

After I read the text the lights on the plane shut down.

"Passenger we are experienc-" She stopped at her words and we started falling at major speed. No this can't be happening again. Images of my mom and dad crashed plane flooded into memory. Their last loving words came back to me. I couldn't take it anymore so I screamed my lungs out. My screams were just a sound they couldn't stop what was bound to happen. I hung to Jen's hands.

"If we don't make it Matthew I still love you" Jen said tears bursting from her eyes.

"Jen I will forever love you" Matthew said.

Then the plane splattered. I felt my entire body go numb and the world around me spin. I looked to my left to see Jen still perfectly sitting in her seat. She was freaking out because she looked at a blood covered plane and a non breathing Shawn.

"Ani no you can't leave" Jen yelled at me. I heard only a faint voive.

"Carter is in love with you, you can't die on him and your my best friend" She said crying the last part. I tried my best to stay awake, but the world around me faded and soon I was gone.

Carter's POV

"Gators are the-" the T.V. sounded before an emergency broadcast appeared.

"Flight from Nebraska to New York, Las Vegas has just crashed" Oh NO isn't that the plane Ani is on.

"3 Passengers confirmed dead and 4 seriously injured here we have a survivor" The reporter said and my sister's face invaded the screen. Oh thank the lords she is okay!

"So do you know any of the people that are hurt?" She asked.

"Yes I know all four" She said while crying.

"Do you think they have any chance of surviving?" She asked Jen.

"No" She said then ran to whom I think was Matthew and cried into his bloody chest and then she cradled Paige and my precious Ani in her arms. Ani looked knocked out I really hope she doesn't die she is my life and my soul mate.

"FORGET THAT PIECE OF GARBAGE AIRPLANE" I heard Cameron yell. I guess he saw Paige.

A/n This is a stupid chapter I know I had 1,000 word but life sucks so ya Anushri's part was the saddest thing I have ever written. GOODBYE CUPCAKES UPDATE ON FRIDAY

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