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Secret Admirer’s POV

I got dressed up a bit more fancier today since it was the day my plan was to officially work.

“Taylor are you ready yet?” I asked him.

“As ready as I will ever be” He said proudly and we walked out the bus into the meet and greet place in Nebraska. This bus really does travel quickly. As I exited the bus I saw Jen and Matthew all lovey dovey and stuff. That cheating bastard, but after today no more Matthew in Jen’s life.

“OMG_________” girls screamed at me.

“TAYLOR KISS ME” One of the girls screamed in the crowd making Taylor grin.

Once we were safely in our meet and greet spots we started meeting fans. I was so anxious for my performance I didn’t even speak to my fans. I felt bad, but hey I was nervous can’t blame me.

Jack G’s POV (So many guys’ POV in this chapter just warning you)

It was a regular meet and greets girls obsessing over me and all that jazz, but then one girl really caught my eye. She had the most dazzling black hair and the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes. I saw she was close to being the first in the line so I quickly wrote my number on a piece of paper and stuffed it in my pocket. I quickly took pictures until it was her turn.

“Hi Jack” She said smiling a bright and radiant smile.

“Hello there?” I asked for her name.

“Miranda” She said.

“Pose guys” The camera man said and I put my arm around her small shoulders. After we took the picture we stayed in that pose for a selfie and I took the paper from my pocket and placed it in her back pocket. She flinched at this, but shrugged it off and we took a selfie.

“Goodbye” She said pouting.

“Don’t worry beautiful we will meet again” As she descended into the crowd. Dang it she was hot. After that I just carried on anxious for her to find out she has my number.

Taylor’s POV

I was about to leave my meet and greet station for general admission until I saw the prettiest girl in the world. She was the last girl and was about to leave, but I called her over.

“Hey! Don’t leave” I called her back to me. She turned around and ran to me.

“Smile” I told her for the camera man. She smiled and I kissed her on the cheek. She blushed a pretty pink which in my eyes was the cutest thing I had ever seen.

“Hey why don’t you call me sometime?” I said writing my number on a piece of paper and handing it to her.

“OMG am I dreaming” She said pinching herself.

“I am pretty sure I am real, oh and before you leave what’s your name babe?” I asked her.

“Jessica” she said then scurried off to her friend who also had a number. I better find out who that was, but after the show of course.

Secret Admirer’s POV

“HELLO MY FANS OF MAGCON” Taylor yelled and the crowd went wild.

“Well we have a special friend here Shawn singing a song for us” Matthew said. There you know me my name is Shawn Mendes and I am in love with Jennifer Reynolds.

“Okay guys this is for my wonderful friend Jennifer” I said then began to sing.

(A/N Sorry if this made up song sucks but you get it)

Oh Jen And Matt

What a cutie

I bet you didn’t know that he is a phony

He cheated on you with a blonde girly

Here are some pictures to prove I am right

Sorry Jen but it’s true

It’s True girl

It true

I elongated the last word of my short song as the picture of Matt and his girlfriend on the screen faded. Matt looked so angry and Carter looked like he was about to beat the shit out of him. Then I looked at my darling Jennifer’s face. She looked shocked. She looked confused. She looked heart broken. Oh no, what have I done?

Jennifer’s POV

Did Shawn really just explain my boyfriend cheated on me? The one who I fell in love with? The Matthew Espinosa I know? Is this true? I looked up at Matthew and he looked pretty mad.

“IS IT TRUE?” I YELLED AT HIM and the crowd repeated it.

“Jen its just-Yes” He said looking at the ground. The crowd gasped and tears formed at the brim of my eyes. I love him and he did this. I rushed out of the place with Mahogany hot on my heels. I entered the bus where Mahogany slept and went into her room to cry.

“What happened?” Victoria said following me into the room as well as Mahogany and Anushri.

“He cheated on me” I said and they all gasped.

A/N Another wonderful chapter not and 10 more chapters to go

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