Airplane Heights

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Jennifer's POV

"Anushri I am tired" I said flopping on an airplane seat.

"Jen it is only like three more flights" She tried to cheer me up.

"Ugh why can't one of the boys help me?" I groaned. Then the weight was lifted off one of my hands.

"Thanks Ma-Oh" I said looking at him.

"Thanks" I said coldly. I then moved along.

"Flight 3 to New York Passengers can board now" The flight attendent said. Luckily terminal 3 was really close now so I ran. I handed my ticket to the flight attendent and she took it. I saw Anushri give hers and Matthew gave his and Shawn gave his also. Though the next thing that happened scared me. They shut the door on the rest of the guys. I banged on the door, but security had to escort me to my seat. Well flip life I was sitting right in between Shawn and Matthew. Wonderful could life get any worse.

"Hello Passengers we will now descend to New York, Las Vegas please fasten your seatbelts" The intercom lady said. Wait wait

"VEGAS" Shawn, Matthew, Anushri, and I exclaimed.

"Oh no this is bad" Matthew said.

"You think this is bad I have to be in the academy in 3 days and now we are stuck in Vegas for who knows how long" I remarked.

"And I had only two weeks for break in Acting" Anushri said.

"I thought you said you were a professional" Matthew said.

"You think too many wrong things" I mumbled under my breath. Apparently Shawn heard and laughed.

"What's so funny?" Matthew said clueless.

"Your bad sense of humor" Anushri joked and laughed. I can't lie it was a pretty funny joke, because trust me Matthew tells really bad jokes.

"That has to be the funniest joke I have ever heard." Shawn said laughing.

"Hey! I have a good sense of humor just ask Jen" Matthew said referring to me.

"First of all you have no privaledge to call me Jen anymore, and second your jokes were awful" I laughed the last part.

"Oooo" A voice from the back of the airplane said. I jumped on my seat and turned around to see the person I would likely not expect to see.

"....Paige" I said astonished.

(Ha leaving you there bc I can)

Carter's POV

Shoot shoot. My sister and my girlfriend are on a plane to VEGAS. Wait where were Matt and Shawn. Great two of the worst guys left. What a coincidence for Jen right?

"Guys just keep calm" I said.

"What are we gonna do now?" Jack G. said.

"Lets ask that girl" I said as I pointed to a black haired girl. I walked up to her and recognized her from the meet and greet.

"How may I help y-" She stopped and looked at all of us .She was probably fangirling.

"Miranda you work here" Jack G said.

"Yeah my Dad owns the place" She said cooly.

"Now how can I help you?" She asked nicely.

"Well our friends kind of got on the wrong plane and we were wondering if you could help somehow?" I asked.

"Jess problem 102" She said into her walkie talkie.

"Don't worry just head to your plane and we will send them tickets right over for tomorrow or the next day" She said and was about to leave when Jack G grabbed onto her hand.

"Can you take us there?" He pleaded and she nodded with a giggle.

"Wait Jess works here?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah she is working at the desk in your correct terminal"  Miranda replied.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Taylor said and running toward our correct terminal which was only 3 minutes away. By the time we got to the terminal we were sweating because of all the luggage. I love how Taylor was just chatting away with Jessica and Gilinsky was flirting away with Miranda. I want my Ani. I pouted and took out my phone to text her so that when the plane landed she would have a nice text.

"...You have pretty eyes" Taylor flirted with Jessica. His look was dazed as if he was love struck. Wow Taylor. On the other hand Miranda and Gilinsky were hitting it off pretty well.

"Flight to New York City, New York" The intercom spoke.

"Aw" Miranda said and Jack kissed her and left leaving the poor girl shocked.

"Bye Jess" Taylor said and surprisingly didn't kiss her. He must really like her to be this conservative. This is creepy. I got on the plane before anything else happened. I was about to take a nap until I heard Jack and Taylor squeal. Oh God the girls were our flight attendents. This was going to be a long flight....


I am tired no more updates no more

The One that Got away (Magcon FanFic) *The Wattpad Prize*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora