Long Long Flights

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Miranda's POV

As soon as the boys entered the airplane it turned out we were to be there flight attendents. YAY! I could finally ask Jack why the heck did he kiss me? I mean it was so sudden, but I don't care I get to be with him for four hours. YAY! Still happy.

"Miranda you are gonna be here?" Jack G said happily.

"Yes" I said putting a smile on my face.

"That is great" He said and smiled. I made Jack G. smile. I felt so proud of myself.

"Well I have to go, but I promise I will be back" I told him and left to demonstrate the safety procedures.

Jessica's POV

Miranda and I were picked as flight attendents for the flight Taylor was in. YAY for me! I really hope I don't get first class duty though I hate first class they are always rich people.

"Jess we both get middle class this time" Miranda said doing a happy dance and then we walked off to demonstrate how to use a seatbelt.

"I hate doing that" Miranda told me. She then walked away to go sit. I was about to sit when I heard someone calling for someone on row 3.  I got there immediately to see it was Taylor.

"How may I help you?" I asked nicely.

"I just wanted to see your pretty face" He said staring at me. My cheeks got warm and changed to a pink color.

"Well if thats all you need I guess I should go" I said turning away hoping he would say something.

"But I do need something" He said.

"I need someone to talk to" He added quickly. Well he is someone who needs help and is entitled to it so okay!

"Sure" I  said taking an empty seat in the aisle next to him.

"So can we just talk normally like I am a normal person?" He asked.

"Yes of course I have no problem with that" I said calmly.

"So how old are you?" He asked me.

"17 turning 18 in April" I said pumping up my fists.

"You know I have always had an interest in girls who are my age" He flirted.

"And I have always had a thing for guys who wear bandanas" I flirted back. He blushed I made Taylor Caniff blush well thats a first.

"I guess we have interests in each other than" He said. After we just talked and talked and talked and it was just perfect.

Jennifer's POV (I bet you all where waiting)

"PAIGE" I yelled jumping up on my seat.

"Shoot" I heard her mumble under her breath.

"Don't worry Cameron is not here with us" I said reassuring her.

"Oh thank the heavens" She said relieved.

"ANI I FOUND PAIGE" I yelled across a sleeping Matthew and sleeping Shawn.

"WHAT WERE?" She said and Paige waved. Ani and I kind of just pushed the passengers next to Paige. They quickly replaced our seats.

"So what have I missed" Paige asked.

"I HAVE A BOYFRIEND" Ani said happily.

"Oo who?" Paige asked.

"CARTER" she yelled.

"OMG WHERE IS HE?" She asked.

"Um yeah 'bout that.." I said trailing off.

"Um what?" She asked.

"We thought this was the plane to New York City" I said

"But we got on the wrong plane and we ended up going to Vegas, only Ani, Shawn, Matthew, and I are here" I said.

"Oo Matthew" She grinned.

"Were over, long story short he cheated on me and ya" I said quickly.

"HOLD UP MATT CHEATED ON YOU" She yelled. Shout it out to the world will you. I then told her the whole story. By the end she was enraged at Shawn and Matt.

"WAKE UP YOU LITTLE BASTARDS" She yelled at both of them kicking their seats. Shit I was afraid. Paige is pretty strong, plus she has no cast anymore so she must have a lot of energy.


SO sorry crappy chapter but I had to practice for a stupid recital and its almost 12 so I am tired

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