Chapter Fourteen | Trip to the Grassland

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The figure vanished before she knew it. Levi hadn't seen it even as the form crippled over him. She was left a bit vexed inside the dungeon cell for quite some while. A very long while. It appeared the night prior and now closely nearby, and Levi couldn't either descry or discern the eerie black figure.

She had two chest pains; morning chest pains. Two days had dragged on like a snail in the edge of hunger. She could have shifted outside the cell and furtively procure a potato for sustenance. Yet she didn't. The guards across the bars were scrutinizing her every move. Who knows what might occur if she infringed her punishment time. She wouldn't be trusted as an ally with her rivalry.

Eren Jaeger, titan in his teens, isn't content with her arrival; better yet discovery. Condemning her whenever the opportunity arises in effect with his two ex-comrade's - Reiner and Bertholt - betrayal. Not like she can blame him. She's not so pleased joining the war and being the center of controversial speculations inquiring her vigor and supernatural abilities unrelated to titan shifting. She would had inquired the exact thing if she were them.

Inevitably, she'll be stationed aside Eren for the upcoming mission. Hopefully by that time, she would have mastered two things. The Oblivion State; she'll need to remain conscious for given instructions during the operation. Secondly, cooperate with the outrage teenager who damn well has the spirit of a thousand bulls.

Ermoza had counted the fourth-hundred brick stone in the far corner of the spacious room when Levi appeared unlocking the cell door with warm potato and glass of water balanced in one hand. A fetching goblet of ale from Queen Historia would have been inviting. She scrambles off the stone floor, dusting her white jeans.

"Hange will commence a further experiment with you," he announces, handing her the fresh cooked potato.

She quickly takes an appreciative bite off the velvety texture. "We're conducting this experiment inside the premises?" She asks hoarsely before masticating deliberately slow.

Hange joins in with green cloak wore assertively on her. "The contrary." She lifts a chin, expression set. "Outside the walls."

"I saw it coming," Ermoza murmurs, looking at the green cloak.

"We're in haste. So quickly dump that water down your throat," Levi elicits in an abrasive tone on watching her unruffled eating.


She peers through the brightness of the outside as she treads with Hange and Levi to the horse stables. Is this Reincarnation Development process making me unhinged during a lucid war? The repugnant smell of manure reaches her nostrils. She scrunches her nose, "Someone must rid the manure today. Whoever it might be." She lowers her hand from its roof position.

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