Mothers Day (post LoS, kind of AU)

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Since it's Mother's Day I decided to write a chapter about the kids celebrating Miss Peregrine. It's short but sweet. (This is in the modern world after LOS but Fiona's still there)

6/24/19: I called it an AU in the new title because it's like... if Map of Days were delayed or something and if Fiona were there.



Miss Peregrine POV

I woke up at 7:30, sharp, just like any other day. 

I got dressed up and walked downstairs to the kitchen to start breakfast and make some tea. When I took my tea into the dining room, I saw a banner that said "Happy Mother's Day", and all of the children had signed it.

The stood below it, smiling. 

"Children, what is all of this?" I asked. Olive floated over, "Happy Mother's day Miss P!" She squealed and hugged me. 

Emma walked over, "We wanted to celebrate you, because you are like our mother."

I smiled, "Thank you very much, all of you. But you know very well that I don't need anything."

"Oh, nonsense! You have to deal with us for a long time, and you already have for a very long time. You deserve much more than just the gifts were giving you, if I'm being honest,"Hugh said, then all the children agreed.

I then looked down and noticed the gifts on the table. The children encouraged me to open them, and so I did.

There was a card from Jacob, chocolate from Emma, a quilt from Bronwyn, flowers from Fiona, a family portrait from Hugh, a book from Millard, a dress from Horace, a rose from Enoch, and a drawing from Claire and Olive. 

These were such sweet gifts. This left me with a nice feeling inside, being like their mother and all.


The End!

6/24/19: Miss P is UNDERRATED. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

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