AU pt. 4

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I'm sorry that this took so long to write I've been pretty busy lately. I saw that I got a couple requests so after the AU is done I'm going to post a Book Jemma as requested by @mindblitz
Anyways, Enjoy!


Bronwyn's POV
"Come one Victor we're gonna be late!!" I whined hurrying my brother. Today I am going to my see best friend Claire. We're having a sleep over at her house! Victor is going to sleepover with Claire's brother, Horace, and their friend Millard. It's all gonna be a big party! I'm sooo excited!!

We finally got in the car and started driving over. My mom said it would take 15 minutes to get there. The whole time I talked to Victor asking him about what he was gonna do there and if he was excited and things like that.

When we got to Claire's house we parked on the street and grabbed everything.  We opened up the little gate of the white picket fence out front and started walking to the door.

(This is what I imagine it looking like)We got to the door and rang the doorbell

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(This is what I imagine it looking like)
We got to the door and rang the doorbell.

Claire's POV

I was sitting in the TV room (which is by the kitchen and the front door) while waiting for Bronwyn. I had finished cleaning my room and organizing my toys already so now I just needed to wait.

After a long time, well, it felt long but really wasn't that long, the doorbell rang. My mom came to open the door. I walked over kind to the kitchen counter and peeked around the corner to watch what they did. My mom and Bronwyn's mom talked a bit, then Bronwyn's mom left. My mom brought in Victor and Bronwyn. I came around the corner and ran to Bronwyn then hugged her.  When I pulled off the hug I smiled big. "I'm so happy you got to come over!!! We're gonna have the bestest time ever!!!!" I said. She nodded and smiled. "Do you want me to show you around?" I asked. "Sure!" Bronwyn said. I took Bronwyn around the house. We went to the kitchen, then the TV room,  the play room, the laundry room, the office, the bathroom, then the living room. "ok, that's all of the first floor. Let's go upstairs." I said. "Ok" Bronwyn replied.

Bronwyn's POV

Claire took me upstairs. First door was the other guest bathroom. The next door was her parents room.

 The next door was her parents room

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I thought it was really nice. Next Claire took me to her brothers room where Victor, Millard, and Horace were.

 Next Claire took me to her brothers room where Victor, Millard, and Horace were

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Then lastly Claire took me to her room.

I thought her room was the best

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I thought her room was the best. It was super pretty and pink! When we walked into Claire's room she put my bags by her bed, then turned to me. "So what do you wanna do first?" Claire asked. "Hmmmm..... we could play with some of the toys?" I asked. "Yeah! We could have them have a tea party!" Claire said.

Claire's POV

Bronwyn and I both picked a stuffed animal to use for the tea party. We played this game until dinner time. "Kids! Dinner!" My mom yelled for all of us. Bronwyn and I put our stuffies down and went downstairs. My mom had gotten pizza since there are 5 kids. She said there were too many to cook for. We all decided to watch a movie while eating dinner. Horace and his friends wanted to watch a horror movie but Bronwyn and I couldn't watch those so we decided to watch Mary Poppins.

When the movie was done Bronwyn and I put our Jammies on and talked in my room. We also read stories to our stuffies, and each other. When we started getting tired I turned off my lamp and turned on a night light.  Walked back to my bed and sat with Bronwyn. We talked for about an hour before we both fell asleep.

~Time Skip to Morning~

I woke up slowly. By slowly I mean I slowly came out of my dream. When I had fully woken up I opened my eyes. The sun shone through the curtains. I checked my clock, it said 9:37am. I looked over at Bronwyn, she had just woken up and was rubbing her eyes. We both smiled. "Did you sleep ok?" I asked, she nodded. "How about you?" She asked. "I slept great." I replied. We both went downstairs to get something to eat.

Bronwyn's POV

Claire and I walked into the kitchen. The house seemed pretty quiet, then we heard the TV on. We walked over to the TV room and saw Victor, Millard and Horace. "Where's mom and dad?" Claire asked Horace. "Moms at work and dad went to the store." Horace responded. Claire took me back to the kitchen. "So what should we have for breakfast?" Claire asked. "How about some cereal? We probably shouldn't cook anything just in case." I said, Claire nodded in agreement.

After breakfast Claire and I went back upstairs. We got dressed, made sure all of my stuff was packed, then we decided to play with the stuffies and some dolls.

We played until my mom came to pick Victor and I up. Claire and I grabbed my bags and went downstairs together. I said hi to my mom, then said goodbye to Claire and hugged her. After the hug we stepped outside of the house. We walked over to the door and climbed in. "So, how was it?" My mom asked us. Victor and I turned to each other. "Fun." Victor said. "Very fun." I added. I began to think about all the fun we had and smiled.


The End of that chapter! I have one more AU chapter planned, then the Jemma. I hope this chapter wasn't too bad... I realized after I wrote it that it didn't really have too many details... anyways. Again I'm sorry it took so long to write. Well, see ya next time (but not really see 😅)
Stay Peculiar 💪🏽👄👤😴

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