Movie Fugh pt.2: Hugh's Birthday (pre-movie)

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I'm back with a second movie Fugh! This is a few weeks after the previous movie Fugh chapter. The next chapter will be an AU. Let's get to this chapter!

7/21/19: I'm back with the rewriting because I'm tired but it's too hot in my room to sleep so I might as well get some of this writing done. My apologies if there's any typos, I'm very tired XD



Fiona's POV

It's Hugh's birthday today. I'm super excited since he's basically my favorite person ever. Everybody had gotten up early to plan out his special day. And, luckily, Hugh was still asleep at the time!

So the plan was that Miss P, Jake, Enoch, and Olive will make breakfast. Emma, Claire, the Twins, and Bronwyn would wrap presents. Then, Millard would distract Hugh, and then Horace and I would clean up the rooms.

At about lunch time we were all done with our plan. We gathered in the dining room while Millard brought Hugh downstairs.

They entered the room and Hugh looked around, smiling his big, goofy smile. He thanked us for the food and we all sat down to eat.

After we at lunch, we decided to have the cake. He blew the candles out and made his wish, looking at me when he had, and I just smiled, apparently oblivious.

After cake, we took him to his presents. He got some pictures, a big jar of honey, some drawings from the younger kids, individual cards, and a sketch book. He, naturally, loved all of the gifts.

Miss Peregrines had left to start supper after that, with the help of the 4 eldest. I then went to the garden with Bronwyn. I grew some vegetables for supper, as instructed, then Bronwyn carried them inside. I watched her carry them inside, then I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Hugh. He smiled widely (and adorably), which made me smile too, "Hey Fi!" He greeted me.

"Hey," I greeted back.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" He asked me, and I smiled, "Sure."

He grabbed my hand and led me to the trail we'd take.

He ended up taking me down to the beach, and we hadn't let go of each other's hand. We stopped on the sand and looked at everything.

Hugh's POV

As I looked at the water and the sand, and the sunset, I also looked at Fiona. She was just as pretty - no, beautiful. She was more beautiful than the sunset. This made me smile while looking at her. I blushed when I remembered we were holding hands. I had never held someone's hand before. I felt nervous that I might be doing it wrong somehow, but I knew Fiona wouldn't care anyways.

She turned and looked at me, smiling.

She thought of something to say, then spoke, "So... what were your wishes? Did they come true?" She asked.

"One did. The other hasn't," I replied honestly.

"And what would that be?" She asked, and I laughed, "I can't tell you! It won't come true if I do."

She laughed, "Of course. I forgot about that."

I laughed and smiled at her once again.

"You're too cute," she said when she noticed me grinning.

I blushed, then she pressed a small, light kiss onto my lips. I was shocked for a moment when I realized that she has kissed me. I then smiled when I really realized that she had kissed me.

She giggled, "What?"

"Now my wish came true," I replied, still blushing like mad.

She smiled and blushed, "That's good."

Then we walked back home together.


The End! Sorry that this took a while to publish, I was super busy. Next chapter I'm gonna come up with an AU which may be a two or three part story so it might take awhile... Well, until next time, stay peculiar friends!

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