Movie Fugh: A Confession (pre-movie)

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Thanks for 82 reads! That's almost 100!! Okay so this is going to be my favorite chapter of anything I've ever written! I'm super excited :)
Now I present to you (drum role) movie Fugh!! Please enjoy!


Hugh's POV

It started when I was pacing back and forth in the garden. Millard was with me trying to calm me down.

I was freaking out. I had told Fiona to meet me here so I could finally tell her that I fancy her.

"My bird Hugh... calm yourself down, will ya? She obviously fancies you," Millard told me.

"But what if she doesn't??" I said a bit too loudly, and my bees flew in fast circles around my head; just as crazy as me.

"Come on, mate... first of all, it's obvious! Second, you told me that you found this out quite a few years ago," Millard said, grabbing me by the shoulders to hold me still.

Flashback (3rd Person POV)

Hugh walked up to Fiona's room where she was writing in a notebook.

"Hey Fifi, whatcha writing there?" He asked playfully, but the girl quickly closed her book up when she saw him, answering with a quick and stuttery "Nothing!"

"Okay..." Hugh said suspiciously, "well... I just wanted to see what you were up to," he explained.

"Well... I was just writing. Not too interesting..."

"Uh huh," Hugh said, then grabbed the book and rushed out of the room.

"Hugh give it back!" Fiona shouted as she chased him.

He ran into his room and opened the book. He found out it was her diary, then he flipped to the most recent page; the one she had been writing. It said:
Real world date: May 29th of 1952      

Dear Diary,
I can't believe I actually have been writing in this diary... I always felt like it was stupid but I like that I get to write these things down. Anyways... I've never told anybody but I have a crush on Hugh... I don't think he likes me back though... The only reason I think this is bec

Then it cut off since Hugh had walked into the room.

He looked up at Fiona who had walked into his room. She was looking at the floor, fidgeting.

"Great... now you know... you probably just think I'm a silly little girl now..."  she said sadly, taking the diary back.

"No... I don't," Hugh said, and Fiona stopped from walking out the door. She looked up, Really?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's fine with me," He told her.

She smiled, though she still seemed unsatisfied. Then she left.

Flashback ends (Hugh's POV)

"So then it took you how many years to find out you fancied her back?" Millard asked.

"Ugh! Don't mention that please, I feel silly enough already."

Millard chuckled, then they saw Fiona coming our way.

"Good luck mate," Millard said, then patted  my shoulder and left.

I took a big deep breath as I started planning what I was going to say.

She walked into the garden and I started slightly shaking. Gosh why did she have to be so beautiful...

"Hey Hugh!" She greeted me with a smile.

I smiled, blushing already, "Hey..."

"Are you alright?" She asked me.

I looked down and took a few deep breaths, "Fiona... remember that time I took your diary? Then you said you fancied me?" I asked, cringing at it.

She looked down uncomfortably but nodded.

"Well... I feel stupid for not realizing it sooner... but I fancy you too..." I admitted, blushing so hard. I looked up and couldn't help but smile when I saw Fiona's bright and happy face. She then jumped forward and hugged me tightly. She also left a small peck on my cheek.

Needless to say... I was as red as a tomato the rest of the afternoon.


The End!! Oh my goodness that was so fun to write! I let my fugh fangirl go wild! 😂 is it weird I was fangirling while writing this? Anyways the next chapter will be (from a request) Sam and Esme's pre-Hollow City life.

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