AU pt 2

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Sorry it took sooo long to get this chapter typed up... I promise I'll try to update at least once a week from now on. I hope you all like it!


Emma's POV
Once Olive and I had finished the second Hunger Games movie I got a text from Fiona. Here's what it said:
hi Emma, I know you and Olive are together but I was wondering if I can come over because my friend Chloe just embarrassed me... in front of you know who.
I looked up at Olive. "Olive?" I asked for her attention. She looked up. "Fiona just asked if she can come join us... Chloe embarrassed her in front of Hugh." I said, "is that ok with you?" Olive nodded. "She's basically our little sister so we need to take care of her." She said with a smile. "Ok I'll tell her" I said. I quickly texted her that it was ok to come over. I told her she could just come in when she came in.

~time skip to 15 minutes later~

I heard footsteps outside and knew it was Fiona. She opened the door and quickly closed it. She turned around and slowly lowered to the floor, putting her knees to her chest and covering her face. She then groaned. Olive and I walked over to her and sat with her. "Hi Fiona." Olive said. Fiona groaned again. "Do you want to tell us what happened?" I asked. She removed her hands from covering her face and nodded.

We walked Fiona over to the couch and we all sat down. Fiona sighed. "I can't believe Chloe right now..." Fiona said. She turned to me. "What exactly did she do?" I asked. Fiona let out another sigh. "Ok, so Chloe knows that I like Hugh, but she likes him too. So either this was supposed to help me or she wanted to embarrass me to get Hugh.  Anyways, it all started after we got food for lunch. We were walking out of the shop and then Chloe saw Hugh walking in front of us. She got his attention, he looked up at us. Then Chloe walked in front of me and walked towards him. She suddenly stopped causing me to run into her then trip... luckily the food was ok and didn't spill on me. Chloe laughed but Hugh helped me up. Then I ran to away from that situation and texted you..." she explained.

By the end of the story Olive and I were mad at Chloe, not too mad but irritated. Suddenly I had an idea. "Let's go to ice cream!" I said. Fiona's eyes lit up and she nodded. We all got up and I grabbed my purse. "MOM WERE GOING TO ICE CREAM" I yelled. I closed the door.

Fiona's POV

Emma drove Olive and I to ice cream. I hoped that it would help me forget the whole Hugh and Chloe thing.

When we got to the store we (obviously) walked inside. We looked around the store, suddenly I stopped and ducked down behind a booth. Olive and Emma looked over at me. "What's wrong?" Emma asked. She looked around. "Ohhh..." she said, realizing what was wrong.  And yes,  you probably guessed it, there was Hugh and Chloe eating ice cream. Olive pulled me up. "Come on, hiding won't fix it." She said.

We walked over to Chloe and Hugh. Emma cleared her throat and they looked up. She smiled and waved slightly while saying. "Hello!" Chloe looked at her with a slight irritation in her eye. "Umm, hi?" She said. "Hi Emma." Hugh said. Chloe looked at Hugh. "You know her?" She asked. Hugh nodded. "And Olive, and Fiona." He said. Chloe then noticed that I was there too. Her eyes got big. "Oh" she said. I smiled slightly. "Heh... maybe we should go now Emma?" I asked. "Nonsense, we should get our ice cream and eat it with Hugh and Chloe, if their ok with that?" Emma said/asked. "Fine with me." Hugh said with a smile. "Umm yeah... I gotta go." Chloe said getting up. She left the ice cream store.

I took a quiet sigh of relief that Chloe left.
I didn't want to deal with her anymore. We got some ice cream and sat down with Hugh. It was an awkward time until Emma decided to speak up. "So Hugh, is Chloe your girlfriend?" Emma asked. "No. Actually I find her quite annoying..." Hugh said. I almost choked after he said that. "Wait what? Then why were you here with her?!?" I asked. "Because she followed me." Hugh said.

Hugh's POV

Emma kept asking me weird questions. Then she asked me the weirdest one. "Hugh do you have a crush?" She asked. I froze for a second. "Umm..." I said. I did have a crush but I didn't want to say anything, because my crush was Fiona. (such a shocker right?) "yes but..." I said. "But what?" Emma said, "is she in this room?" "Maybe." I said. Fiona at this point had finished her ice cream and was hiding her face by burying it in her jacket. Then I had a moment of courage. So I decided to tell them. The worst thing that could happen is Fiona would say she didn't like me back. She would still be friends with me, she's too nice to stop. "Sooo who is it?" Emma asked. I took a deep breath. "Uh... it's, um, Fiona." I said. Fiona lifted her head up. "What?"

"Oohhhh Fiona he likes you!!" Emma said. "Oh my god. Wait, why?" Fiona asked. "Well, you're nice, funny, smart, generous, and pretty." I said. She was blushing but also shocked. "I-I, I like you too." She said.


Sorry I ended there but I wanted to get this chapter out there. And I'm sorry that this was basically every movie crush story ever 😂. ~Stay Peculiar 🌺🐝🔥🌬

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