Chapter 4 - Alliance?

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Clint was kept on strict bedrest from Loki for a week after his encounter with Kael and his goons. His burns and other injuries slowly healed, and the pain was minimal with Loki's medicines. She really knew what she was doing. Loki was always busy either making some new remedy, or tending to her stock and garden. Clint found out that she very rarely went into the village; partly because of men like Kael, but also because she had basically imposed isolation upon herself. Clint was the first human being she had had extended contact with. "Don't you get lonely?" Clint asked as he sat outside with her as she weaved a basket from river rushes. Loki looked up at him and shrugged her shoulders.

"Loneliness is a relative term," she answered and Clint frowned at her for giving him a vague response. "I don't really feel loneliness. I have always been by myself. In this life and in my previous," Loki said.

"What do you mean? Thor always talks about the adventures you had," Clint said, thinking to those nights when Thor would not shut up about his brother.

"My memories are in pieces, but I do recall frequently being alone; left to my own devices. Reading books, contemplating the universe. Thor, from what I remember, was always off with his friends, and somehow sucking me into those escapades. There is a difference," Loki said with a hint of a smile as she went back to binding the reeds. Clint wondered if Thor did ever really pay attention to his brother.

"Were you malicious?" Loki glared at Clint for that question, but she decided it was a legitimate question.

"Malicious? No. Mischievous? Yes," she said firmly.

"Then why attack earth? Why kill so many people?" Clint asked, the anger creeping into his voice.

"What you're really asking is 'Why take over your mind?' " Loki supplied and Clint bit his lower lip.

"I still have nightmares," Clint hissed and Loki winced at his tone.

"So do I," she answered coolly. Clint's brow furrowed and Loki's hand slowly went up to her own temple. "I vaguely remember being in pain. In my mind. In my heart. And even in my soul. All I wanted was to die, to leave this physical world and find peace. But I never got it. I never knew that relief. I remember, 'You will long for something as sweet as pain.' I was hurt, but I can't remember to what extent," Loki said and Clint blinked several times. He did recall that when Loki came through the portal, he looked like shit. Like somebody had put him through hell and sent him back. He just looked tired. Maybe... just maybe... Loki had been coerced into attacking earth?

"Did you have any real reason to attack earth? To try to be our king?"

"King of what? No offense, but earth is such a minuscule realm compared to so many others; and I am merely repeating the feelings of the other Nine Realms when I say that," Loki responded sincerely.

"What is it with this inflated opinion of everyone else against earth? Is it just because we're mortals?" Clint snapped and Loki glared at him.

"You cannot help it. I know what I said to Kael when he insulted you previously. I knew you were awake the whole time," she said and Clint wondered how she could have the sixth sense. "The other Nine Realms all had to sign treaties, saying they would not ever go to Midgard, and damage the delicate balance. You humans have fragile psychosis'. The concept of other worlds was too grand for you to handle. The All-Father said he was 'protecting you.' He was babying you, and we resented you for it." Clint knew that Loki had a point. "In the Dark Ages of your world, the Frost Giants broke that treaty and invaded. They strove to bring on a new Ice Age, but Asgard stopped them. Odin, the All-Father, fought against Laufey, King of Jotunheim. He won that war and stole a baby from the temple. That baby, he raised beside his own son, and lied to." Clint realized that Thor had told them that Loki was adopted, the son of Asgard's greatest enemy.

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