Chapter 26 - An Heir is Recognized

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Clint felt many heated stares on him and he gave everyone a slight wave. "Hey, Ogen. Gyda? And everyone else. This is my team, the Avengers. Earth's mightiest heroes," he introduced.

"I know at least, that not all of them are from 'earth'," Ragnar commented as he glanced at Thor.

"Greetings again. Thank you all for taking care of my sister," Thor said and eyes shifted to Loki. She bowed her head, her own gazed fixed on her son. The little babe sensed the intensity in the room and started to fuss. Loki and Clint focused on him, while Steve got in between them and the villagers.

"Please, she just went through quite a bit right now, and she's tired. Can't we have this discussion outside?" he suggested. Ogen nodded before he glanced over his shoulder at the corpse of Kael.

"I'm assuming he had something to do with it?" the healer asked and Steve nodded.

"I killed him," Clint piped up, looking Ogen in the eye. The older man smiled a little. The baby continued to fuss and squirm and Loki raised her eyes.

"I need to feed him," she said.

"Alright! Everybody out! Out!" Bruce ordered and he began to usher people out. Soon, only Clint and Loki remained. He closed the door, and him and the rest of the Avengers were facing the populace of the town. "Now. They can be with their baby, and we can answer your questions. Who wants to start?"

Back inside the cottage...

Loki and Clint admired their baby boy as he nursed on his mother's breast. Clint stroked his head, gently ruffling the tufts of black hair. The baby's blue eyes were focused on his mother, but as Clint put his head beside Loki's and his eyes shifted. Clint smiled and said, "We have to name him, you know." Loki nodded and took her little boy's hand. His delicate fingers squeezed around her own.

"Darian," Loki stated and Clint smiled. She remembered from when they were discussing names before her heat.

"I like that. Darian Talon Barton," Clint affirmed and Loki's entire visage brightened.

"Thank you," she whispered as she started to fall asleep. Clint supported her and their son as he continued to feed. Clint listened to the little noises he was making, and felt very blessed. He kissed Loki's forehead, then his son's.

"I love you, little man. Don't you ever forget it," Clint murmured as he watched them sleep.

Outside the cottage...

"So, what you're saying, Healer Banner, is that Ikol is the reincarnation of the second Prince of Asgard?" one of the hunters asked. Bruce nodded and glanced over at Thor.

"My brother gave his life to save the Nine Realms during the Rise of Malekith. Because he gave his life for all worlds, he was given life back, in a new form," Thor explained.

"And has apparently been helping you and other people this whole time," Black Widow commented. She was standing next to Kael's body, and kept giving it dirty looks, as if he had somehow survived and she was daring him to get back up.

"I don't want her hurt," Gyda suddenly said and all the villagers looked at her. She stood her ground, her fists clenched at her side. "Ikol, or... Loki... she's my friend and she has cared for me as an older sister. I will stand by her, no matter what. I don't care who she was in another life." Ogen put his hand on her shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you. Although, if some of you did want to harm her, you would have to go through us," Tony said. "She's our buddy's wife, and now, she's his baby mama-"

"Tony, they don't know what that means," Steve whispered in his ear.

"You mean, the mother of his child?" Ragnar queried.

"Yeah, same difference," Tony answered. The villagers whispered amongst themselves. Tony eyed Steve and grinned.

"When would we be able to take Loki home with us?" Thor asked Bruce.

"Not for a little while if we have to travel by Bifrost again. I don't know how that's going to affect Loki after that labor, and it will definitely do something to the baby. I'm not risking them so we can go home. If we have to, we can split up. Steve and Natasha can stay here with them, and you and I and Tony can go back to earth to deal with whatever problems they might have."

"Shows you how he feels about our contribution to the team," Natasha said conspiratorially to Steve. She grinned and Steve had to smile as well. Suddenly, two blinding lights came from the sky and the people of the village cried in terror.

"Somebody else coming?" Tony posed.

"I know not who is coming. But, two Bifrost openings is a problem. Villagers! Defensive positions!" Thor ordered, gripping Mjolnir. The villagers all looked at Ogen and Ragnar for affirmation. The healer and the hunter nodded their heads, and all the men lined up to defend them against whoever was coming. The Avengers and the townspeople waited and waited. They expected to hear war yells and get arrows from the trees. However, they got two very different parties approaching them from the foliage. One was a golden party, clearly from Asgard; the second, was a blue company from Jotunheim.

"Who invited the Smurf's?" Tony asked as he lowered his repulsors.

"Speak with respect, mortal! These are the King and Queen of Jotunheim!" a giant said, glaring at Tony.

"Okay! My bad!" Tony exclaimed, eyeing the couple from Jotunheim. Odin went to Thor's side and raised his brow at them.

"Why have you come?" he asked. The male Jotun frowned at Odin, while the female glanced around, clearly looking for something.

"You know why we have come, All-Father. It is the same reason you have come," the giant said.

"And that is...?" Bruce continued.

"I am looking for my daughter. Where is she?" the female giant said. She looked down at Bruce and smiled. Even though she was at least eight to nine feet tall, she was well formed, and had a kind face. Her long, black hair was flowing freely down her back, and her figure was covered in a robe of white and grey fur.

"Excuse me. Ahem! Your daughter?" Steve asked as he stepped forward.

"Yes," the giantess affirmed. "The girl who has just given birth to another of our bloodline. A child who will bear the marks of our house. The Royal House of Jotunheim." There was a pregnant pause. "Forgive us, we have been rude and not introduced ourselves. I am Jarnsaxa, and this is my husband, King Helbindi." The King of Jotunheim tilted his head in acknowledgement. "This is Crown Prince Byleistr, her younger brother, her second younger brother, Loptr, and her sister, Elli." Three other giants all nodded, but the girl seemed the friendliest. She smiled at all of them, and sent a blushing glance in Steve's direction. Natasha noticed and elbowed her compatriot in the side. He glared at her, but said nothing.

"What is going on out here?" asked a voice and everyone turned around to see Clint sticking his head out of the cottage door. He saw Odin and the giants and froze. "Um... who invited Papa Smurf?"

"See?! It's not just me!" Tony exclaimed, trying to validate himself.

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