Chapter 22 - Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

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Clint was just collecting himself and getting ready to yank the knife from his shoulder, when a beam of golden light appeared just outside the village.  The marauders called a warning to their fellows and began to flee.  "I know that light anywhere," Clint muttered to himself as he started to stumble in the direction of Ogen's house.  Loki saw the Bifrost opening as well from the porch and she gasped.

No!  No, no, no, no!  They can't come!  They'll take him away! Loki thought despairingly to herself.  The villagers were exclaiming.  They also knew that the great light meant that somebody from Asgard had come.  How was that possible?  The Norns shielded them from the controlling clutches of the All-Father.   

"Barton!  Barton!  Where are you?!" called a deep voice and all the villagers looked at Clint as he slowly pulled himself to his feet.  Clint waved his hand at them and glanced over at where Kael had fallen.  However, the outlaw had vanished and Clint swore under his breath.  He turned back to where Loki was standing on the porch... only... she was now backing up into Ogen's dwelling.  

"Loki?" Clint whispered, so that nobody else could hear him.  

She shook her head and her face turned ashen as the voice was heard again, "Clinton!  Where are you?!  Heimdall saw you!"  Loki turned and disappeared into Ogen's house just as Mjolnir came flying in and flattened several marauders as they attempted to flee.  Thor came running out of the forest, followed by the Lady Sif and the Warriors Three.  Sif speared one man, Fandral ran another through, Hogun smashed a third's head in, and Volstagg buried his ax into the chest of a fourth.  Thor summoned Mjolnir back and his eyes scanned the area.  When they alighted upon Clint, they brightened and he approached.  "Clint!  I am so glad to see you!" the Prince of Asgard said as he swooped his fellow Avenger into a bone crushing hug.

"Ah!  Thor!  Can't breathe!  Shoulder!" Clint cried all at once.  Thor dropped him and saw the knife embedded in his friend's body.

"Oh?  I'll pull that out," he said and before Clint could tell him to stop, yanked the knife from his wound.

"Dammit to hell anyway!" Clint cursed, but Thor was already binding his shoulder with a torn strip from his cape.

"Come with me.  Our Asgardian healers will treat you well.  The rest of the Avengers will be so pleased to see you.  We've been looking for you everywhere," Thor admitted as he supported Clint.

"Wait!" called a voice and Clint and the Asgardians turned back to see Ragnar approaching with Ogen.  "Where are you taking him?"

"He is a Midgardian warrior, and I mean to return him home to his friends and family," Thor said.  Clint stiffened when the Asgardian said 'family' and Ogen looked at him with a hint of disappointment.

"Family?" Ragnar queried as well.

"Aye.  Thank you, kind people for taking care of him.  You have our eternal gratitude, and we will depart now.  We don't wish to anger your beloved Norns," Thor said apologetically.  

"But, what about-?" Ogen started to ask, but Clint shook his head firmly.  Thor noticed, but decided not to ask what it was.  Meanwhile, the healer shot Clint a venomous look and stalked back to his house.

"Well then, thank you for driving those villains away," Ragnar said slowly and he bowed to Thor.  Thor nodded his head and stepped away from the villagers with Clint, Sif, and the Warriors Three.

"Heimdall!" he called and as the rainbow light enveloped them, Clint looked to where Loki's face appeared in a window in Ogen's house.  After that second, the light blinded him and Clint passed out.

When Clint opened his eyes, he found himself on a comfortable bed, warm blankets surrounding him, and his arm in a sling.  Clint blinked several times as  he tried to clear his vision.  For an instant, he thought (hoped) that he was back at the inn, and Loki would appear with a loving, if not sharp comment about him getting injured.  Unfortunately, he got a golden ceiling and white curtains that overshadowed his bed.  Suddenly, a face appeared.  It belonged to a middle-aged woman, with fading blond hair.  Her expression was pleasant, but, she was not Loki.  "You wake," she said.

"Am I?  Crap.  I was hoping I was dreaming," Clint answered sarcastically.

"You want a familiar person.  I understand.  I'll get the prince," the woman said and Clint groaned.  That was not the kind of 'familiar' he wanted.  

"You're awake," said another voice and Thor appeared, followed by his friends, and then, the Avengers.

"Oh, what tipped you off, Sherlock?" Clint posed.  However, he could not stay angry as Natasha wrapped her arms carefully around him.  She rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, reacquainting herself with her partner.  

"We've missed you, pal," Tony remarked as he sat down on the foot of Clint's bed.  

"How long was I missing?" Clint queried as Natasha propped him up.

"Almost a year.  About eleven months," Steve answered and Clint nodded.  He had not really been able to keep track of time since he went missing.  It almost made sense, considering how close he had gotten to Loki.  That would not have happened in four or five months.  

"Where did you guys look for me?" Clint asked as he continued to hold Natasha's hand.

"Everywhere but the right place, apparently," Bruce answered as he nudged Tony aside and sat down on the bed.  Clint smiled a little until he felt Natasha purposely tapping on the ring he wore on his finger, the symbol of his marriage to Loki.  

"We're just glad we found you.  We all kind of split up and searched as best we could, but it was Thor who found you because his creepy, doorkeeper guy saw you," Tony remarked.

"Good thing," Clint rejoined as he pulled his hand out of Natasha's.  His partner fixed him with her piercing blue gaze, but said nothing.  Hawkeye knew she would ask him the moment they were alone, and he did not think that he could keep it from her.  He would have to tell them all eventually.  At least if he wanted to get Loki back.  And he did want Loki back.  More than anything in the entire world.  Especially since she was pregnant with his baby!

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