Chapter 13 - Hands Fasting

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The hunters returned from the woods and their search for Kael. However, he had vanished mysteriously, as had all his friends. "They must have figured they could not get away with this, so they fled," Hagan said as he and other hunters reported back to the elders.

"Damn! He escaped justice! The bastard!" Ogen cursed. Clint was equally unhappy about it, and when Loki found out, she shuddered.

"I'll protect you. I won't let him touch you like that ever again," Clint promised. Loki snuggled against him and he gently shushed her. Ogen and Gyda and Ragnar watched them with peaceful expressions on their faces.

"You're almost well enough for us to hand fast you to Clint Barton. Gyda and the ladies of the village have made a dress for you, and a tunic for Clint," Ogen informed them and both Loki and Clint blushed.

"I can't wait for your hand fasting!" Gyda admitted. "They'll be a public feast and dancing and games, and everyone will be happy!" Gyda embraced both Clint and Loki, kissing their cheeks. She was clearly happy at the prospect of their impending wedding.

"I thought we were already happy," Loki pointed out and she smiled at Clint. He smiled back at her before he pulled away and joined Ogen and Ragnar.

"We'll be placing guards around our village from now on. Kael has at least ten young hunters with him, all trained. They could come back. A woman like Ikol is not somebody he'll let go of easy," Ragnar warned.

"And he won't let a mortal like you stand against him. As far as you're concerned, Barton, he is the most dangerous enemy you'll encounter," Ragnar said.

"Um... with all do respect, sir, I've faced men with red skulls, Chitauri, Ultron robots, vampires, and a whole lot of other crazy shit. I think I can handle Tybalt," Clint answered and both men raised their brows in confusion. "Riiiight! Talk Shakespeare, but not Shakespeare," Clint reminded himself.  

"Barton!  Come here!  We have your tunic!" cried Gyda as she danced back into the room with several other village girls.  Loki propped herself up in bed and smiled brightly as she watched Clint get basically stripped by the girls and the tunic shoved over his head.  The tunic was purple with black accents and a belt they pulled really tight around his middle.  Clint's face was borderline red and Ogen and Ragnar were splitting their sides at his obvious discomfort.  

"I think you're ready, Barton," Ogen commented, wiping the tears from his eyes.

"I'm not ready," Clint said as Ragnar and Hagan stood next to him at the village altar.  Elder Njal was standing before the altar, as he was the village priest.  Njal raised his eyebrow and shook his head.  

"It must be a mortal thing.  You must have a strong constitution to wed, and you must have one made of iron to take on our Ikol," he reminded.

"Trust me, I'm aware," Clint responded.  "Do you have the binding rings and everything?" he asked, turning to Ragnar.  The hunter nodded and produced them from a pouch attached to his belt.

"Don't worry, Clinton.  You'll be fine," he comforted.  Clint was about to say something along the lines of, 'No, I'm not', when Gyda entered, throwing flowers and gracing everyone with her bright smile.  Behind her, Ogen was leading a still slightly limping Loki down the aisle.  Clint's breath was taken away as he admired her.  She was a true beauty.  The dress that had been made for her was entirely in green with black and gold trimming.  A simple black corset drew in her waist and pushed up her bosom, making it hard for Clint to concentrate.  A circlet of green leaves was around her head, standing out in her ebony locks.  She was carrying a bouquet of flowers the other ladies had put together for her.  She glanced up and smiled at Clint and he smiled back.  Finally, Ogen arrived with her and passed her off to Barton.  He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead, shook Clint's hand, and moved away.  Gyda stood behind Loki, so now, the wedding party was present.  

"Behold the man and woman standing before you!" Njal commanded and Clint felt like he was really under the microscope.  "They have come before you to join hands and bind themselves together as man and wife.  In marriage, there is the greatest honor and trial.  In children, there is the greatest joy and hardship.  In fidelity, there is the greatest jewel and task.  Be loyal to one another; love unconditionally; and raise your offspring with a firm and gentle hand.  Those are the vows you must take.  Now swear to them," Njal ordered.  Clint swallowed as his mind fumbled to recall the words Ogen and Ragnar had been drilling into him.  

"Honor, trial, joy, hardship," Loki started to say and Clint remembered and joined in.  "Jewel and task.  Loyalty, love, and a firm and gentle hand.  To you, my husband/my wife, I make this pledge and take this oath."

"I will not look at another woman the way I look at you.  I will not lay with another woman as long as you live," Clint promised.

"I will not look at another man the way I look at you.  I will not submit to another man as long as you live," Loki assured.

"Together, we will raise our children to be brave, selfless, and kind.  Together, we hope to grow old as one; but for now, we will live together as one," they said.  Njal smiled and nodded to Ragnar, who produced the rings.  

"These bands will bind you together in the eyes of gods and men.  Please proceed to place them on each other's fingers," Njal ordered.  Clint took his and slipped it onto her finger.  Loki did the same and Njal bound their hands with a simple cord.  "Together you must live and breathe as one.  Now, seal the bond."  Clint remembered what that was and leaned forward, tentatively pressing his lips to Loki's.  She returned the kiss with a gentle pressure of her own, and when they pulled apart, the cheering started.  Flowers started raining from the sky and Clint heard the telltale sign of the barrels of ale being opened.  Clint glanced down at Loki, silently asking her permission.  Loki nodded and Clint swung her into his arms.  He carried her down the aisle, enjoying the light blush that came over her cheeks as she was showered with attention and adoration.  

Gyda came bouncing up and hugged them both.  It was a little awkward with Clint's arms full, but he forgave Gyda her enthusiasm.  "I'm so happy for the both of you!" she declared.  

"Thank you so much for everything, Gyda," Clint thanked.  The young girl smiled and moved away, allowing others to swoop in and congratulate the new couple.  In the more ancient cultures, married couples were sacred for what they represented: stability, community, and new life.  And all the villagers were desirous of seeing the children produced from this match.  Clint carried Loki ahead of a train of people, all leading to the banks of the river.  Large oaken tables were set up with food and drink, and garlands of flowers were hanging from the edges of the tables.  Those villagers who could play music, took up their pipes and fiddle-like instruments and began to play.  Clint took Loki to the main table and set her on her feet.  He pulled out the chair for her and she sat down.  Clint sat down as well, and then people began to parade in front of them with gifts.  

"This is my gift to you.  I know it will find a place in your home," Ogen said as he placed a basket before them.  Loki pushed the cloth back and smiled at its contents.  Glass jars were inside, containing herbal remedies and other medicines Loki had lost when Kael had ransacked her home.  She had been worrying about replenishing them, but not so much anymore.

"Thank you, Ogen.  That was very thoughtful and generous of you," Loki said.  The village healer bowed to both her and Clint and walked away from the table.  Gyda came up next with a bundle of white garments and placed them between the married couple.  Clint took off the worn ribbon and pulled out a small nightgown.  Loki turned a slight shade of pink.

"For that wonderful child I know you will have," Gyda informed them.  Clint pulled out little socks and booties, and pants and shirt.  "You'll be prepared for whatever the Norns decide to give you," Gyda whispered and she walked gracefully away from the table.  Clint glanced back at Loki and saw the expression on her face; she was clearly concerned.

"You don't have to if you don't want to," he whispered to her as he sat back down.  Loki gave him a sympathizing look and shook her head.

"This is not Midgard, Clint.  Unless you're barren, children are expected of a married couple.  And don't think you can escape it.  Our customs are pretty much airtight," Loki answered and Clint felt his mind spin an her cryptic response.  

What does she mean? he asked himself as he took a drink of his ale.  

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