Chapter 25 - The Hawk's Hatchling

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Clint was actually happy that Steve had kicked them out of the house.  He heard Loki cry out in agony again.  She was having his baby now, and he was missing it to fight this bastard.  He looked back at Kael and the man was doing his best to always keep Clint in his sights.  Clint had the advantage of Kael's bad eye, and kept himself to that side as much as he possibly could.  Finally, he lashed out, kicking Kael in the stomach.  The outlaw bend over and Clint brought his elbow down between his shoulder blades.  Kael flicked his knife out blindly, only skimming across Clint's thigh.  Clint did not allow that injury to stall him and he smacked Kael behind his ear, felling the man to the ground.  Clint was about to end him like that, but decided it was not the honorable thing to do.  He kicked him instead, causing Kael to groan.  Okay.  That wasn't honorable, he thought to himself.  "Get up!  I won't kill you while you're down," Clint said.  Kael turned his head around so that he could look up at his enemy.  

"You sit upon your high horse, mortal!" Kael hissed, spitting blood onto the ground.  "You think you're better than me?"

"I don't think; I know.  You're a bastard, an animal, who has ruined the lives of many willing women.  But when you found one woman who would not soil herself with you, you fixated on her; determined to mark her.  But, she resisted you like a true woman.  I am proud to say that she's my wife, and the mother of my baby.  Today, I avenge her.  All the harm you've caused her and others ends today," Clint responded and he pointed his knife at Kael.  The villain cursed him, and leapt up, charging at Barton.  With the ease the years of his training had given him, Clint brushed his weapon to the side, and drove his knife up under his sternum.  Kael's eye widened and his mouth dropped.  He seemed genuinely startled that Clint had succeeded in killing him.  He gripped Clint's arm as he started to go down.  Clint let Kael fall off his knife and observed his corpse for a few seconds.  It was a cry from Loki that brought him back to the present and he darted into the cottage.  

"You're doing good, Loki.  Very good," Bruce assuaged as he looked between her legs.

"Where's Clint?" Loki asked, her skin sickly pale and her black hair sticking to her forehead.  

"I'm right here, darling," Clint answered as he pushed his way to the bed.  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply.  Loki clung to his uniform, the tears falling down her face.  "I'm here.  I'm here, and I'll never leave you again," he promised, brushing the hair from her face and scooching onto the bed in order to be near her.  Loki leaned against him, taking strength from him.  

"Okay, I don't know how much longer it's going to be, but you're not ready to push yet.  Just stay strong," Bruce assured her.  Loki nodded and heaved a tired sigh.  Thor was just staring at her in awe.  She was even more striking in person that from the image Steve had drawn under Clint's guidance.  She tried to keep her cries of pain to a minimum, but it was hard.  She was clearly trying to be brave, but it was difficult, even with Clint by her side now. 

"Clint, if you have to choose-"

"I won't have to!  You're going to live, and the baby's going to live.  I'm going to take you back to earth, and you can work in Avengers Tower.  You'll invent the cure for cancer... hell!  You'll figure out the secret ingredient for world peace!  You're not dying and neither is our kid," Clint insisted quickly.  Loki gave him a tired smile and touched his cheek.

"Ever the optimist," she hummed.

"Well, there's got to be one in every marriage," he answered, kissing her again.  Suddenly, Loki winced and Bruce went back to examining her. 

"She's getting closer.  I'll tell you when to push.  Very shortly," Bruce said.  "This baby's moving fast."  Loki moaned but then, they heard startled shouts outside.  "Oh!  What now?!" Bruce asked sounding annoyed.  

"Oh, shit!  Better take care of this before he gets all green and mean," Tony said as he walked to the door.  He opened it, stuck his head out, and saw a group of approaching villagers.  "Hey howdy hey!  We're friends of Barton; he's back, Loki's in labor, and we're helping.  Goodbye!" Tony explained.  He closed the door and left everyone standing there in confusion.

"Who are they?"

"What did they speak of?"

"Loki?!  Loki Odinson?!"

"He's dead!"

"No."  Everyone turned to gaze at Ogen, standing there with Gyda.  "I think I should explain something..."

"Ah!" Loki screamed as she bore down.  She was holding both of Clint's hands, and he was doing his darnest not to wince.  Natasha had blankets ready to catch the baby when it came.  Thor had managed to heat up some water, and Steve and Tony were just standing back, trying not to get in the way.  "I can't!  I can't push anymore!" Loki declared.

"You've got to!  Loki, if you give up-" Clint started to say before Bruce interrupted him.

"You're not giving up, Loki.  I can see the head and if you give me one more great push, I can basically ease it out the rest of the way," Bruce told her.  "Once more!" Bruce insisted.  Bearing down as hard as she could, Loki gave one more tremendous push and the head came out.  Bruce carefully began to pull it free.  Clint watched as Bruce finally delivered his child and held it up.  "It's a boy!  You've got a son, Clint!" Bruce said as he and Natasha began to carefully clean the child.  The boy screamed with the fullness of his lungs and wriggled in their grasp.  Meanwhile, Clint laid Loki down and wiped her forehead.  

"I have new clothes for Loki.  Mayhap you and Natasha should change her," Thor suggested.  Bruce nodded to Natasha and she and Clint began to strip her out of her soiled garments and wash her down with wet towels.  Bruce swaddled the boy and brought him over to Thor, Tony, and Steve.  All four looked down at the little tyke and saw he had a tuft of black hair adorning his head.  His sleepy eyes blinked up at them and they sparkled blue.

"Hello, little one.  I'm your uncle," Thor said as he reached for the child.  Bruce was hesitant to trust the big man with such a small baby.  

"Careful, Thor.  He's very fragile," Steve admonished and Thor got a hurt expression his face.

"We would like him back," Clint said and they looked up.  Loki had been changed into a white shift and Clint had placed a shawl over her shoulders.  Blankets were laid over her, and she was leaning against Clint for support.  Natasha smiled as Bruce brought the infant over and carefully placed the child in Loki's arms.  Loki could not believe that her baby was here.  She looked up at Clint and the expression of pure love was written in her eyes.  "He's beautiful, Loki.  And he's ours," Clint whispered.

"I'm so happy you came back.  I was afraid you would never come back," Loki admitted and Clint brushed a few strands of hair from her face.  

"I wouldn't miss this for the world," Clint whispered, kissing her passionately.  The rest of the Avengers smiled at the happy couple.  However, that was when the door opened and Ogen, Gyda, and other villagers looked in.

"Well, shit," Tony said very eloquently.

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