Chapter 28 - Loki Lays Down the Law

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The Avengers, the Asgardians, and the Jotuns had to construct camp around the house, which was basically demolished after Jarnsaxa went through it.  Tony offered the best tent to Clint, Loki, and their baby boy.  The child was sweet, and had not cried since he was delivered, which everyone appreciated.  He seemed to unconsciously charm all those around him.  Loki was feeding him in the privacy of her tent, with her mother and her sister in attendance.  Natasha stood outside, to make sure anybody who was not Clint, entered.  As he approached, she smiled at her partner and let him cross the threshold.  Clint pushed the flap back and the three women looked up.  Loki was actually in her Jotun form, and he was surprised to see that Darian was as well.  "He is half Jotun.  He was bound to show it if I touched him like this," Loki explained and Clint nodded.

"He looks like a cute little Smurf," he said.

"Smurf?  Is that a blue giant of Midgard?" Elli queried and Clint stammered a second as he thought to explain.  

"Actually, they're more like small, hand held creatures.  That like to sing and dance, and do... stupid things," Clint answered as his voice slowly got quiet.  Elli frowned, but did not continue the conversation.  Instead, she turned back to Loki and admired her sister.

"You are so beautiful, sister!  Your hair is like a raven's wing," Elli complimented as she ran her fingers through it and began to braid it.  

"She was so beautiful when she was born.  My precious first born," Jarnsaxa whispered as she studied Loki's ever movement and twitch.  Suddenly, the Jotun queen's expression darkened.  She tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes.  Clint wondered what she was doing, until King Helbindi entered the tent slowly.  The giant king looked at his wife, his youngest daughter, then his eldest daughter.  "I think we need to have a discussion.  Where are our sons?"

"They speak with the Asgardians," Helbindi answered.

"Clinton Barton?  Would you do me the favor of summoning them for me?  Our family needs to talk," Jarnsaxa said.  Clint nodded and left the tent to seek out the young giants.  When he returned with Crown Prince Byleistr and Prince Loptr, he asked if they wanted him to leave.  "Nay, I would have you stay.  As Loki's chosen mate, you are now a member of this family."  Clint sat down beside Loki and she passed their son to him.  Once he touched his father's skin, Darian became pink again and Clint chuckled.

"Neat trick," he murmured.  Loki nodded and looked back to her assembled family.

"I know that I am new to you, as you are to me.  I know I was born a runt, but that was because I am the reincarnation of a runt.  My name is Loki because I am Loki," she said and Helbindi swore in Jotun, but Jarnsaxa shushed him.  "In my previous life, I was Loki Odinson and Laufeyson, Prince of Asgard and Jotunheim.  In this life, I am Loki Helbindisdottir.  My mother, Frigga, reincarnated me into my own bloodline, because that was the only way I could live again."  Loki looked at Helbindi.  "In my previous life, you were my younger brother."

"I remember.  When I saw you again, when you were born, I felt as if I knew you.  That was... one of the reasons why I cast you out.  Why I left you to the cold," Helbindi explained.  Loki nodded.  She glanced at her babe in her husband's arms and let a sad smile grace her face.  

"I can understand that-"

"Loki!" Clint said.

"Hush!" Loki rejoined, raising her hand.  She looked at Clint and continued, "I do understand.  Our customs are strange to you.  Although, on Midgard, you have a similar custom.  It is called abortion."  Clint was silent at this.  "I was cast out because I could not contribute to their society.  How could I?  With my small stature and delicate nature?  Their casting me out was a blessing in disguise.  If I was kept on Jotunheim, hidden away and concealed from all the worlds, I would never have met and married you.  I would have never had our son.  But..." Loki's voice trailed off.  "I suffered much to get here.  I was sought after by many men, almost kidnapped, almost raped.  All because they saw my face and my form and thought me desirable for pleasure and child bearing only.  I was only chattel.  I exiled myself from humanity as much as possible, living a lonely existence.  Until Clint crashed here and made my life bearable.  I had not known happiness until I met him."  Clint smiled at her, leaned forward, and pressed a kiss to her temple.  "I know I am your daughter, and your sister.  But... things will change once I am fit to travel and Darian will not be harmed by the Bifrost.  We will undoubtedly return to Midgard, for that is Clint's home, and I will go wherever he wants me to go.  Once there and when we are settled, my mother and sister may visit me with the permission of my husband's security organization.  My brothers... if you desire to know your nephew, speak now and I may grant you visitation rights as well."  The two princes looked at each other before glancing at Darian.  The baby was gumming his own fingers, but he must have sensed they were looking at him.  His head tilted and he eyed them with his sparkling blue eyes.  They looked back at Loki.

"We have only been told stories of you in your previous life.  What you did and who you were.  However, they do not reconcile themselves with what we see now.  I am curious, sister, to see you as you are normally.  You are clearly not relaxed now," Crown Prince Byleistr pointed out and Loki smiled.

"Nay!  I am certainly not relaxed, but, meeting and speaking can become easier," Loki admitted and Byleistr smiled.  Loptr nodded as well and smiled at Darian.  The baby cooed and wiggled in Clint's arms.

"Oh?  Did you want to see your uncle?" Clint asked as he carefully passed the infant over.  Loptr looked down at Darian as he turned blue again.  Darian giggled and Loptr smiled.

"He's so small," the giant said as he balanced the child in his large hands.  He raised his eyes to his sister and saw Loki admiring his gentleness with the baby.  "He is no bigger than one of my precious books.  But, so much more squirmy," Loptr commented.  Loki laughed lightly.  

"He certainly squirmed around while he was inside me," Loki stated and Jarnsaxa nodded, fixing Byleistr with her stern gaze, making her second child turn purple as he blushed.  Loki then turned to look at Helbindi.  "It is clear that you would rather have nothing to do with me or my child.  And I am fine with that.  We don't have to see or hear from each other ever again.  I am sorry."  Helbindi nodded, remaining silent.  He stood up, still stooping a little in the low tent.  

"Very well.  Since that is your decision, I take my leave," he told her.  With that, the King of Jotunheim left the tent.  Jarnsaxa looked at her eldest daughter and saw tears springing in Loki's eyes but neither one said anything.  What was there to say, anyway?  

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