Chapter 24 - Perfect Timing

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Clint was sat down in a chair in the middle of the living room, and the rest of his team surrounded him.  Clint did his best not to wilt under their gaze and instead, sat up straight and tall.  "Seriously, Clint... what the f*ck are you talking about?!" Tony exclaimed again and Clint's eyes shifted to Thor.  The God of Thunder was staring at him with a glaze over his eyes.

"As I said... Loki was reincarnated into a new body and was placed on Nornheim.  She says she doesn't know what power is responsible, but she's certainly used her second chance wisely.  She's her village's herbalist: she finds wild plants with healing qualities, makes remedies, and gives them to sick people in her village.  She is very kind, albeit, sharp tongued if provoked," Clint began to explain.

"And... she found you?  After you vanished from the Bifrost all those months ago?" Bruce asked and Clint nodded.

"Yeah.  She said she found me in a ditch not far from her home.  She got me back and tended to my wounds.  I'll be the first the admit when I woke up, and figured out who she was, I was angry and ungrateful.  She didn't have to take me in, but she did.  She didn't have to tend to my injuries, but she did.  I... actually... slapped her not long after I woke up-"

"What?!" both Thor and Steve exclaimed.  Steve was unhappy because Clint had admitted to hitting a woman; and Thor was unhappy because that woman was basically his sister.  

"How dare you raise your hand-!" Thor started to say before Bruce's  hand clamped down on his wrist.

"Let him finish," he said, his eyes temporarily going green.  The thunder god nodded and remained seated, not saying another word on the subject.  

"I apologized for slapping her, and Loki accepted it.  She didn't hold my wrath against me, although sometimes, I wished she did..." Clint's voice trailed off for a second as he recalled the time when he got angry at her right before he tried to leave the first time.  And that departure led to her almost getting assaulted.  "She and I became friends over a period of time.  She put up with my penchant for danger when it came to hunting the large, forest creatures; and I tolerated her mothering nature.  After a time, I started to like like her.  But then, that man got in the way."

"What man?" Natasha asked.

"He's name's Kael Bjornsen.  He was a hunter in the village and had been 'paying court' to Loki since before I arrived on Nornheim.  She had been steadfastly refusing him, but until I got there, there had been no rivals for her," Clint explained.  "Well, when I did show up and it was apparent that I wasn't leaving, he got antsy.  He tried to separate us... and... for a day, he did."  Clint bowed his head and rubbed his temples with his fingers.

"Oh, Clint," Steve whispered, sensing something bad was about to be revealed.

"He came to 'visit' her while I was away.  He beat her up and tried to rape her.  Luckily, Loki's pretty mean when you give her antlers," Clint responded.  Natasha's lips quirked up at this, but she said nothing.  "The rule that they live by is this: an offense against honor is the only thing that requires the death penalty.  I told the village council that the attack on Loki was an attack on me, but they said it wouldn't be, unless I was married to her," Clint continued.  

"So, they kind of pigeon-holed you into it?" Tony queried and Clint smirked a little.

"Not really.  I was falling in love with her already, and the council just kind of made it easier for me.  In a way," Clint said and a light blush filled his cheeks.  Natasha saw it and her eyes widened a little.

"I have to meet her.  If she makes you blush like that, I have to meet her," Natasha stated.  

"Well, if Steve could get a paper and pencil, I can describe her so you guys have an idea...?" Clint suggested.  Steve vanished for all of two minutes, and returned with a pad and one of his sketching pencils.  "Alright, she's got more of a diamond shaped face, her chin is a little pointed and her cheekbones are slightly pronounced.  Her lips are naturally a little pinker and full; her eyes are large and like emeralds.  Her nose is long, but delicate, and her face is framed by slightly curly, black hair."  Steve drew in quick, precise, but elegant strokes and soon held out a picture. He had brought a few colored pencils, and had added in the pink lips, bright green eyes, and black hair.  She was surely stunning.

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