Chapter 2

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I stood in front of the door, wearing my uniform as tears began to fall. I was holding the broom and didn't notice. I wiped my tears and began to sweep.

"Hey, are you okay?" Asked my co-worker Amy. I didn't look up but nodded. She then walked towards the door and unlock them. "Working at a movie theater is terrible." She said as she walked towards me.

I looked up and noticed she cut her hair. Her red hair was brighter as well. I walked towards the food and began to organize everything. As I fixed the candy bar, I dropped one of them and it spilled everywhere. I groaned and bend down to pick them up. They were sour Skittles....Joel's favorite candy. I picked them up and threw it away in the trash can.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Amy asked again. I sighed and shook my head no.

"I'm sick and I can't concentrate." I lied. I didn't want to bring up the fact that I miss him. She probably doesn't care so why should I pour my heart out about some stupid boy?

"You should take the day off. I'll cover for you." She said kindly.

I shook my head no. "It's fine. I'll get through it. I have pills for my allergies anyway."


It was my lunch break so I headed out. Across the theater was an In N Out. I crossed the street and walked in. I looked around and noticed how crowded it was. I got in line and sighed thinking about everything that came into mind.

"Yadira?" I heard a feminine voice say. I looked up to see Patty standing in awe wearing a long black dress with sunflowers.

I felt my heart beat faster as the thought of Joel possibly being here came in mind. I looked over her shoulder and saw him indeed. He was on his phone while his siblings talked. Patty's smile faded and turn into a worried look. "Mija, are you okay?" She asked.

I felt my breathing uneven as I concentrated on Joel. I felt everything slow down as everyone, except Joel, were blurred out. He slowly looked up and made eye contact with me.

He got up but before he could reach me, I ran out the door without saying anything. I felt the people who were in line, eyes on me but I didn't care. I ran inside the theater.

"What happened?" Asked my friend Mario worriedly. "Who was chasing you?"

"No one." I said as my breathing got back to normal. "I saw him."

Mario froze on his spot and stared at me. "W-what did he say?"

"N-nothing. I ran out before he came towards me." I said panting. Mario looked through the window at the restaurant. He squinted and sighed.

"Here, get a sandwich. It's on me." He said opening the clear door where all our food was. I hesitated but gave in. I thanked him and leaned against the clear door. "You had your chance, Yadira. Why didn't you take it?"

I stopped chewing and looked up at him. "I don't know."

"What do you mean by i don't know? Of course you do!" He said a bit louder.

I put my sandwich down and stared at him. "Because he forgot about me."

"Really? That's why he was going to approach you? Yeah. Totally." He said as he rolled his eyes and began to clean the counter.

"All of a sudden, you're feeling bad for Joel? Who's side are you on?" I raised my voice.

"Yours. But you're hurting yourself. All these questions you ask yourself on a daily could've been answered right on that moment but you decided to run away. Like always." He said and continue to clean.

I stayed quiet and crossed my arms across my chest. I felt my eyes get watery but I fought the urge. I grabbed my left over sandwich and threw it away. "What a waste of food." Murmured Mario.

"Shut the fuck already! You're always judging me!" I spat as tears fell. Mario looked up and studied my face.

"I want the best for you. That's all." He said in a serious tone.

"Well stop! I don't need your criticism or advice." I said annoyed and shoved him a little before walking to the restroom.

As soon as I walked into the restroom, I couldn't believe who I was staring back at. It was me but I couldn't recognize myself. My bags were dark and visible. I looked pale with chap lifeless lips. I ran a hand through my brown hair and sighed.

Why can't I stop thinking about you? I should be use to it. It's been a year since I became a nobody to you.

I washed my hands and rested my hands on the counter. I felt weak and nauseous. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My phone began to vibrate as I opened my eyes.

I looked down at the caller ID and hit ignore. I don't need to hear my friend Linda brag about whatever she bought today. I put my phone on my back pocket and walked out.

People began to come in as the other workers came in. I stood in the front with Amy collecting the tickets from people.

Amy, once in a while would look at me then back at the people. I felt the urge to ask her why but ignored it.

"You work here?" I looked up and was face to face with one of Joel's cousins. I nodded and extended my hand.

Liz took out her ticket and handed it to me. I rip the end and gave it back to her. "Enjoy your movie." I faked smiled.

"Listen, you should talk to Joel." She whispered.

"Why? We're not friends." I said coldly. Taken back by my words she nodded.

"See you around." And with that she walked away with her friends.

"That was harsh." Amy said as she took the ticket from the couple.

"It's a long story." I said looking down at the ripped tickets. "A really long story."


Published: May 23 2017

Word count: 1036

Thinking About You - Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now