Final Chapter

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Today's the day I've been waiting for ever since I entered the gates of this high school four years ago. Staring myself in the mirror I heard my parents running up and down the stairs stressed.

I ran a hand through my curls fixing them and turned the curler off.

I heard a soft knock on my door and there stood a smiling Ashley, my brother's girlfriend. I don't really talk to her due to her living in another city because of college. I smiled back at her and let her in.

"So what type of look do you want?" She asked as she put her makeup bag on my desk.

"A somewhat natural look." I said and sat down on the edge of my bed. She nodded and took the necessary makeup supplies out.


"Can someone please help me with my cap?" I asked no one in particular as I hold the cap in my hands and walked into the kitchen. I placed the cap on but struggled. My family stood frozen staring at me not saying a word. "Did I miss up my hair?"

My mom covered her mouth in awe as she walked towards me. "My baby is no longer a baby."

"Mom!" I whined. "Please don't start. You're going to make me cry. Save the tears for later." I said. Everyone laughed as my mother and Ashley helped me put my cap on.

The struggle of having a big head.

"Ashley, can you take a picture of us?" My father asked handing her his phone. My mother stood on my right as my father and brother stood on my left. We smiled and Ashley took the picture.

"Okay. We have to go now or I'll be late." I said zipping up my red gown. I walked out to the front as my family trailed behind me.

I got inside the car and that's when my mind decided to think of everything and Joel. I gulped fighting my tears back.

People weren't kidding when they say that graduation day is the most bitter sweet moment of your teen life.

We arrived at my school in ten minutes. My parents walked inside the auditorium as I got in line to enter with the rest of my classmates.

"I can't believe we're graduating." I heard Mario say behind me. He smiled before bringing me into a hug. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too but we need to hang out this summer, before you leave."

His smile faded and it turned to a confused expression. "So what did you decided on?"

I sighed. "I still don't know yet."

Mario slowly nodded and then smiled. "Whatever you decide on, I know you'll do great." And with that, he went in the back of the line as everyone got ready to enter.

The soft music played as we entered the auditorium. Parents, friends and family stood smiling from ear to ear taking pictures as their kid passed by them.

Knowing how emotional I am, I didn't look at my parents and brother but instead looked ahead praying I wouldn't trip.

We sat on our assigned seats and waited for our principal to speak.

My mind was somewhere else as the valedictorian spoke. I looked around the place and every memory flooded my head.

To the first day of freshmen year when Joel and I broke the chair to the last time we were in here, when he sang the song he chose to sing for his audition. I gulped and took deep breathes in.

I can't cry right now.


"Joel stop!" I whispered yelled at him as the seats were getting filled by the students. The PE teacher walked to the front as he read his paper.

Thinking About You - Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now