Chapter 20

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It was seven in the morning and the only one's up were Erick, his teacher and I catching up with our school work. We were sitting in the back of the bus since people hardly sit here. Seeing how behind I was was overwhelming but I had to get through it.

I felt a small weight off my shoulders as I finished work that was given three days ago. I smiled proudly for getting it done.

If i keep going at this pase, I'll be done before Zabdiel wakes up.

"Y por qué tan contenta?" Erick asked as he typed in his computer. His teacher looked at me waiting for the chisme to be spilled.

"Qué? Quieres que sea una vieja amargada?" I joked making the both of them chuckled. We went back to what we were doing as time went by quickly.

Slowly, one by one, the team began to wake up. I saw Joel getting up and look at my bunk bed. Is that really the first thing he does after waking up?

He looked around and then made contact with me. I looked away but I still manage to see him staring at me from the mirror. He seemed upset and as if he was regretting a decision. He got up and walked to where everyone was eating.

I finished my last assignment and hit submit before closing my laptop. I stretched and leaned back on the couch.

Erick looked at me and said. "Ya terminaste?" I looked at him and nodded. He pouted and went back to his work.

I sat up and looked at his teacher who corrected Erick's quiz. "Por qué no está Joel aquí también?" They both looked up at me confused.

"Joel ya se graduó." My eyes widen as those words escaped from the teacher's mouth. But how? He's class of 2017 like me.


"Termino sus clases en diciembre." She simply said as she continue to grade Erick's paper. Erick nodded and went back to his laptop.

I got up and headed towards the bunks. I placed my laptop on the top bunk and headed where everyone was eating and chatting.

I grabbed a bowl and pour myself some cereal. After that, I looked around and noticed all spots were taken. Great.

I leaned against the cabinet where our cleaning supplies were and ate. Today was our day off, thank the lord. It's day five and I'm already tired.

"Ya pueden ir a los hoteles." Renato spoke as he got inside the bus. Some of the crew got up and went inside the hotel. Only reason we stop at hotels is to shower and sleep on the days off.

We sleep in the bunk beds but trust me, it's not as comfortable as sleeping in a bed.

I finished my breakfast and washed my dish. I walked back to my bunk and grabbed the necessary. I got off the bus and walked inside. At the desk, Renato stood giving us our keys. I share my room with Erick's mother since we're the only women with them.

I grabbed it and headed towards the stairs, luckily it wasn't a long way. I got to my floor and headed to my room, opened it and walked inside.

As I settle in, minutes later, Erick's mother came too. She put her stuff down and sat down. "Me voy a bañar." I told her and she nodded. I grabbed all my belongings and headed towards the bathroom.


"Estás lista?" I heard Zabdiel say as he knocked on the door while opening it. Literally, what was the point of knocking?

Thinking About You - Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now