Chapter 4

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"Aquí tenemos a los chicos de CNCO!" the interviewer shouted through the microphone as the guys cheered. I shifted in my seat as my parents concentrated on what the guys were saying.

I looked up at my father who's gaze was on Joel. He looked mad and upset. My mother in the other hand seem in the verge of tears. I felt uncomfortable and also wanted to cry.

"Entonces tú eres el Mexicano?" The interviewer from El Gordo y La Flaca said as she placed her microphone in front of Joel. He nodded and smiled at the camera.

That smile of his...curse you Pimentel.

"Todavía sigues en contacto con tus amigos de California?" She asked. My heart beat increased as I waited impatiently. My throat seem to dry as I tried to gulp.

Joel's smile faded and he looked at his band members for help. They all shook their heads no and he cleared his throat. "Sí! Todavía me siguen apoyando." He said fake smiling. I felt a tear escaped as I wipe it. I felt my father's hand on mine as he rubbed my hand with his thumb.

Why am I upset? Why did I expect something differently? This was filmed a couple of days maybe he doesn't think that way no more? I would have had an answer to that question but decided to run out before he approached me last night.

I grabbed the remote and changed the channel. I couldn't help see him smiling while I suffered in pain. My parents sat there in silent both not knowing what to say.

I got up from the couch and left to my room. And that's when I let everything out. I felt my world falling apart and like I had no one. This exact feeling brought back memories.

.    .    .    .   

I shot up as my body dripped in sweat. My breathing uneven as I gasped for air. Joel sat up and turn the light on. "Yadira are you okay?" He asked worriedly as he side hugged me. 

I nodded as I controlled my breathing. "I-I had a terrible nightmare in where my grandfather died." I spoke.

His dark eyes stared into mine. "It was just a nightmare. Don't worry okay?"

"How? You know most of my dreams come true." I whispered as my vision got blurry. He hugged me tightly and didn't say a word.

"Let's go to sleep." He said. I nodded and laid down as he turned the lights off. He's been sleeping over my house ever since we were little. Our parents are use to it and so am I.


I woke up to my mom's loud cries and so did Joel. It was early in the morning why are they up? Joel and I rushed down the stairs to see my father trying to calm down my mother as she cried on the floor.

My brother Nathan got out of his room and stared at us confused. "Dad, what's going on?" He asked.

My father turn to look at us as he hung up the phone. He looked down at my mother and then back at us. "Your grandfather passed away last night."

As soon as those words escaped his mouth, I felt my eyes get watery and my world collapse. I felt a pair of strong arms catch me. That's when I realized I was going to faint.

"Yadira!" I heard Joel shout from afar although he was right next to me. Everything felt in slow motion like in a movie. I only felt and heard my heart beat.

"Yadira!" Joel shouted again and brought me back to reality. I hugged him as tears began to spill. I couldn't believe that now he's gone. One of the most important people is gone.


"I know your pain." He whispered. We sat on the chairs outside my balcony and stared at the morning sky. My heart felt empty making me feel numb. The tears had dried and left stains down my cheek.

Thinking About You - Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now