Chapter 27

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"Well look who's back." I heard a masculine voice say behind the counter. He stood up straight and to my surprise it was Christian, the quarterback of our football team. He wasn't cute just toned but somehow girls drooled over him. I felt myself getting uncomfortable so I looked behind him in hope to find Mario.

"Looking for me?" I turn around to see my best friend holding a broom. I chuckled at how strange the red uniform looked on him.

"Since when did-"

"Since you left." He cut me off and walked towards the back of the counters to where all the supplies where.

Christian kept studying me and I was close on popping him in the mouth. I looked away and cleared my throat.

"So, are you leaving again?" Christian asked as he leaned against the creme wall. I looked at him and he smirked. I shivered and looked away. Seriously, this guy is ugly.

Moments later, Mario came out with his leather jacket on and uniform in his hands. "Later." He said while holding two fingers up and saluting. We walked out of the theatre and got into his low rider.

The sun began to set as Mario pulled out of the parking lot. I grabbed the extra pair of shades Mario had in his car and put them on. I'd be lying if I said we didn't look like a bad ass duo.

"So what have you been doing all day?" He asked as he continue his focus on the road.

"Unpack." I sighed and slumped in my seat. He made a turn as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Where are we going?" I said looking around me.

"You'll see." Was all that escaped his lips. I leaned back and relaxed somehow trusting him.

The trees and houses disappeared as the sky got darker. I leaned my head against the clear glass as silence took over and took the sunglasses off.

"We're almost there." Mario spoke as he made another turn. I sat up and noticed how familiar my surroundings were.

"Are we going to the cemetery?" He nodded and parked the car near the front gate. We both got off and headed to the entrance.

The black gates creaked as I opened it and walked in. The dark orange sky illuminated the place but shadows slowly embraced the grounds and plants around us.

"Whose are we going to visit first?" I asked as I made my way to the hill.

"Who do you want to visit first?" Mario asked as he trailed behind me.

"I won't be selfish." I chuckled and passed through my grandfather's stone. We walked a couple more minutes until we reached the top to where Mario's mother's stone was.

We sat down around it and stare at her name engraved. "We should've brought flowers." I mentioned.

"She doesn't like flowers." He simply said and played with the grass around him. I nodded and looked at his hands that cut the pieces of grass from the ground.

"How was she like?" Now that I think about it, I never really asked him. I was too busy thinking and talking about me I never asked him about himself.

"My mom," he stopped and looked up at me. "She was beautiful, incredible, funny and all the wonderful things you can think about." I smiled as he as well.

"I'm guessing you got her wisdom."

He chuckled and looked down. "My mother was a wise woman but I'm not near as wise as her. In fact, I'm not wise. I just use my common senses and brain." I rolled my eyes playfully at him making him chuckle.

"She was a brave and strong woman." He bit down on his lower lip as his eyes got glossy. "Her last days, I never saw anyone smile so big and fight so hard." His voice sounded shaky as my heart broke.

I got up from my place and sat next to him. As soon as I wrapped my arms around him, he began to sob. I rubbed his back as I controlled my tears from spilling.

He pulled back and wiped his tears. "I know she's watching me from heaven and continues to support me." He spoke. "That's why I haven't gone crazy or lost my strength. She's my motivation."

"And she's so proud of you." I spoke.

He nodded and smiled. "I know." He wiped his tears as his breathing got back to normal. "I'm going to attend UCLA this fall."

My eyes widen and my first instinct was to tackle him into a hug. He laughed and hugged me back. "Why didn't you tell me!" I said and sat back up.

He sat up and shrugged. "I don't know. You never brought it up."

"How? I didn't know!" I said softly punching his arm.

He smiled wide then asked. "And you?"

I sighed. Believe it or not, I replaced Joel with my future so that's all I thought about at night. No more crying, no more Joel. Like Mario said, going with the flow.

"I don't know yet. I want to take a year off." I said and payed with the grass. By now, it was dark and you could hear the owl.

"You'll get lazy." He said.

"I know but hey, everyone's success is different. So you can't judge mine." His eyes widen. "What?"

"You said something smart." I punched his arm as he laughed. I shook my head and laughed as well. "You should be a model or actress."

"You sound like my mom." I groaned.

"You're very beautiful and photogenic, Yadira. You should consider it."

I nodded. "Why acting?"

Mario shrugged before getting up and dusting off the dirt. "You seem like someone who would be in kick ass movies or those romance movies."

I got up and furrowed my eyebrows as the lights turned on illuminating the cemetery. "You don't watch romance movies." He looked at me and laughed nervously. "Oh my god! Who's the girl!"

"No one. Okay. Come on we need to visit your grandfather." He said before walking down the hill.

"You're going to need to tell me soon, muchacho. This won't be the last time I bring it up." I said and caught up to him.

Published: July 8, 2017

So sorry it took me long to update. I started to work and I've been so busy. By the way, the book's coming to an end but It'll have a sequel but this time it'll be Joel's perspective. 😌


Word count: 1095

Thinking About You - Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now