Chapter 15

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"Sup cncowners. I'm here with our amazing photographer." Richard spoke as he hold his phone up high. I covered my face as he shoved the phone on my face. He laughed and stopped recording. "That's going on my Instagram story. I'll tag you so you can gain followers."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Thanks?" I continue to play with my computer as the driver got in his seat.

"Todos están aquí?" He asked. We all nodded and he started the engine. Another show down and more to go.

"Can I see some designs?" Richard kindly asked.

"I don't have any done. They're started but not done." I said tilting my laptop so he can have a better view. He leaned in to see better and nodded.

"Not bad. That's a pretty cool hat." He complimented and smiled at me. I thanked him and focused on my designs.

Actually, scratch that. I couldn't concentrate at all. Having someone breathing near your neck while being a metiche wasn't helpful. I looked up at Richard who smiled at me.

"Can you like, you know, move a little." I said kindly but clearly annoyed. Richard chuckled and got up instead. I felt guilty but it seem as if he didn't take it personal. I sighed and continue with my project. Again, so I thought.

"Yadira, me puedes hacer un favor?" Asked Renato while typing on his phone. I looked up at him trying my best not to seem annoyed. 

"Sure. Que necesitas?" I asked closing my laptop. He stayed quiet as he concentrated on his phone. I waited a few seconds for him to finish typing.

"Necesito que le ayudes a Erick con su trabajo de clase." He said as he put his phone away.

"Ahorita?" I asked raising my eyebrows. It was past midnight and he wants me to teach Erick? Really?

Renato looked at me as if it wasn't the strangest thing. Surprised, I grabbed my laptop and headed to the back where Erick was on his laptop.

"Hey. Necesitas ayuda?" I asked Erick while pressing my laptop against my chest. He looked up from his screen.

"Un poquito." He said showing me his index finger and thumb that had a small gap between them.

I sighed and sat next to him. "Con qué?" I looked at his screen and saw he was doing his English homework.

Sighing he said in his Cuban accent. "Con el inglés. I'm not that good at it."

Chuckling I said. "Actually, you're not that bad. You've gotten better." How do I know this? I've seen videos here and there of him speaking in English. And before you think I'm a creep, I only seen them because they pop up on my Instagram popular section.

"Me podrás ayudar? Necesito terminar esta unidad antes de irme a dormir. Ya me atrasé." He said frustrated. It's been a long day for me and I really need the sleep but seeing him frustrated and more tired than me made me feel bad.

I nodded and his bright green eyes lighten up like a little kid's on Christmas Day. I laughed and got closer to him so I can read the screen better.

"Hey Erick I was-" We both looked up to the person who spoke and it was Joel. His eyes traveled from my face to Erick's. Erick looked at me confused then back at Joel. It was starting to get awkward but good thing Joel spoke again. "I-I was wondering if I can use your jacket tomorrow."

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