Chapter 5

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I woke up with a pain from my left knee and a massive headache. Sitting up, I looked around my room as the sun rays creeped through the white curtains. I sighed and headed to the restroom limping. The pain increased as I cursed under my breath. Not hesitating and being careful, I pulled my black skinny jeans down and looked at my knees

A purple bruise began to form as I winced. All I remember is running from the cemetery after arguing with Mario. Did I fall?

My phone rung making me groaned. I hopped towards my night stand and picked up. "Hello?"

The line was quiet but I knew someone was there. I looked at the screen of my phone and saw it was a number that I don't recognize at all. My frustration grew as the line was silent. "Who is this?"

"Please don't hang up." I heard a thick Cuban accent. My body froze, I know that voice. Pushing my thoughts aside I cleared my throat. I obeyed but then curse at myself. You're dumb! Hang up!

"Quién es?" I asked sitting down on the edge of my bed. I crossed my fingers and mentally prayed it wasn't who I thought it was.

The person sighed and whispered something but it seem as he was telling someone not me. He's not alone.

"Mira, yo se que sabes quién soy." He said

"Yo no conozco a alguien que sea cubano. Creo que tienes el número equivocado." I coldly answered.

"Nomás necesito que escuches, bueno que lo escuches." Those words knocked the air out of me. I hold in my breathing expecting him to soon speak. The line went silent as I heard people whispering but I couldn't make up what they were saying.

"Yadira?" I heard his soft voice say. My eyes got watery as I choked up on my own words. How did he get my number? I changed it on purpose so he would stop calling me. "Look, I know you don't want to talk to me but I do. I have to explain."

"Joel, there's nothing to talk about." I said with no emotion.

"Please Yadira. I miss you." He begged. I covered my mouth preventing my sobs to get louder. I didn't noticed I was crying until I felt tear drops on my laps.

I stayed silent as I controlled my breathing. I heard him whisper something and a faint goodbye. The long beep sound was the last thing I heard and hung up. Clicking, desperately on my phone app, I scrolled down to the number I looked for.

"Meet me by the park." I said quickly as soon as he answered. I hung up and grabbed my jacket since it was below twenty degrees. Gotta love winter in the desert.


"What happened? Are you okay?" Mario asked worriedly and brought me into a hug. I nodded and hugged him back.

"He called me." I said feeling my lip quiver. His hazel eyes stared into my brown ones. He studied my face looking for answers.

"Well, you asked your grandfather for help." He chuckled earning a small smile from me. "What did he say?"

I took a deep breath before speaking. I mentally prepare myself for his 'I-told-you-so' speech. "He wants to talk."

He nodded and looked ahead from us, thinking. I looked down at what I was wearing and noticed I was wearing the same thing from last night but except I was wearing different color jeans. Mario wore a red beanie and black everything.

"I panicked." I added. He looked at me and sighed in disappointment. Here we go.

"I would ask why but I know the answer." He said heading to a near bench. I sat next to him and stared at the swings in front of us.

"Why are you so afraid?" He asked me as he stared into my eyes.

"I don't know."

"Yes you do."

"No I don't but apparently you do." I said annoyed. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked away. I felt Mario's eyes on me and felt him sit up straight.

"I gave him your number." He blurt out as my eyes widen. I slowly turn to look at him who was already staring at me.

"You what!" I shouted angrily. "What the fuck Mario! Why!"

"Because I'm tired of seeing you like this!" He spoke loudly. I felt my blood boiled and betrayal.

"How did you find him?" I asked looking away.

He chuckled. "Hesperia is small. It's not that hard." He grabbed my chin and slowly made me look at him. I slapped his cold hand off and looked back to the old tree on my left.

"I want you to stop suffering. You keep beating yourself up and complain to be upset but don't want to fix it although the opportunities are given to you in the palm of your hands." He ranted.

I looked at him still mad. "So you decided to give him my number?" He shrugged and then nodded like it was no deal.

"He's a great guy and still cares, Yadira. He still cares about you." Those words stung. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"No he doesn't."

"And how do you know? No haces la lucha." He said getting frustrated. "If you don't talk to him before he leaves back to Miami, you better not complain anymore. I'm tired of this shit." He said before getting up. He turn to look at me hoping I'll tag along, give in or stop him but I didn't do any of them. He nodded and walked towards his low rider. I sat there pissed at everything and everyone but mainly myself.


I tied my hair in a ponytail and headed towards the front of the theater with Amy by my side. She looked at me and half smiled. "You look a little better today."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. She cleared her throat knowing she failed at her attempt to make me feel less depressing. It was awkward but I shrugged it off.

"Enjoy your movie." I said as I ripped the ticket and handed it to two teenagers. They thanked me and walked passed me. This job is another reason I continue to be depress. Most of my memories happened here.

A huge group with security men came towards me. Everyone's eyes traveled to them and then me as they whispered among themselves. I felt my breathing uneven. The men hover over me and kept a straight face. What the hell! Who are they?

"C-can I see your ticket?" My question came out as a faint whispered. They looked at each other and moved aside revealing the one and only biggest Latino boyband.

"La puta madre." I whispered as five pair of eyes stared at me.


Published: May 25 2017

Word count: 1157

Thinking About You - Joel Pimentel Where stories live. Discover now