The Truth Comes Out

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Maya's P.O.V

I sat on my bed stressing my head off. Only a little while ago did I get up here, but I knew Mal and Evie would be back from the kitchen soon.

'Tonight was the night. I had to tell them. They deserve to know. Carlos knows. They are my best friends. Oh gosh the doors opening.'

That ladies and gentlemen, was my mental debate, of trying to convince my self to tell my friends what has been happening to me for years.

"Hey May, I thought you'd be asleep by now" Evie said as she and Mal walked through the door

Mal carefully set the bag of cookies down on the table, then turned her attention back to me.

"Uh-actually there's s-something I need to tell you guys" I said tripping over my own words

Evie's face turned concerned "Ok, go ahead" They both took a seat on the edge of my bed

"W-well y-y-o-u se-e" I said starting to choke up. Get it together Maya!

"M-Maybe I should just show you" I said instead

So I did.

I pulled up the sleeve of my jacket, and the bottom of my pants, to revel scars marked all across my body.

Both girls gasped "Maya! W-What happened?! Who do I need to kill?!!" Mal asked the tip of her fingers sparking with green electricity 

"Mal calm. I-It was my mother" I said barley above a whisper

"Elizabeth?" Evie said matching my tone. I just shook my head

"B-but why?" Mal asked. It almost looked like she was going to cry. Must have just been my eyes. Mal NEVER cries.

"Back on the Isle, my mother would try to teach me how to behead someone but keep them alive, b-but I could never do it. Its wasn't the magic part that I was having trouble with. It was the mental part. I just couldn't bring myself to look those poor people in the eyes t-then..." I started sniffing right about here

"Shhhhh. It's ok May. It's ok" Evie said pulling me into a hug

I accepted as a few silent tears streamed down my cheeks. Then I remembered that the nightmare wasn't quite over.

"T-there's more" I said gently pulling away from Evie "A couple of days ago, my mother talked to me"

"What? How?!" Mal asked furrowing her eyebrows

"She put sort of a spell on me that made me pass out, then she was able to talk to me from some use of wonderland and dark magic" I explained quickly

"Anyways, she said that I had to abandon you guys and bring her the wand, instead of Maleficent. I finally stood up for myself and said no. She disowned me as her daughter, and implied that I would be beaten horribly when we returned" I said as the tears were now flowing freely

"Carlos knows, only because he was the one who saw me pass out. I-I just couldn't hold it in any longer" I said looking at them sadly

"Hey" Mal said softly "Its ok. It's all going to be ok. We aren't going to let anything happen to you, I promise" She said pulling me into a comforting hug

"T-thanks" I sniffed "I really do love you guys. Your like my sisters" I said giving a wet laugh

"Likewise" Evie smiled

We all had one big group hug afterwards. That night, it didn't matter that we weren't being very villain like, all that mattered was keeping each other safe.

. . .

I sighed as I sat up in bed the next morning. But gave a small smile at the memory of last night.

Today was the day we had to give 'Benny-Boo' the love potion.

I quickly showered and got dressed, no use in hiding my scars now, right? (

Me, Mal and Evie all ran down to the court yard where we were meeting the boys. We were late :/

When we finally got there we found the boys leaning up against a wall, waiting for us.

"Sorry were late" I said as we stopped in front of them "Evie took forever getting ready" I said rolling my eyes a bit

"It fine" Carlos said giving me his crooked smile

I peered around the corner to see Ben finishing up his conversation with 'Princess', oh how I would love to flatten her!

I flashed Mal a grin "Your on"

She nodded and headed around the corner to her locker while the rest of us watched.

Mal got a lot of compliments from random girls, saying how they love their hair. Why is everyone so obsessed with their hair?

Jay slipped out to make conversation with Mal, so it could look more realistic, but from the distance we were at we couldn't hear their conversation.

But it looked like Mal didn't like what he was saying....

Mal suddenly slammed her locker shut and said from behind Ben "Hey Benny-Boo!" In a super 'cheerful' voice

"Hey" He said chuckling a little and walking over to Mal

"I uh- just made a batch of cookies, double chocolate chip, want one?" She asked holding the bag up

"Oh, I, uh, I've gotta big game, I don't eat before a big game, but thank you" He started to walk away but Mal stopped him

"No, Yeah. I completely understand" She sighed a bit "Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains"

"No, no, no, no-"

"No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that" She continued

"No, no, no, thats not it I-" Once again she cut him off

"No I get it! Your cautious. Thats smart. OH well more for me then" She said pretending like she was gonna eat it.

But before she could put it in her mouth Ben snatched it out of her hand and bit it

That was our cue to start walking towards them.

"See that, totally trust you" He said with his mouth half full

"How are they?" She asked. We were about a foot away from them now

"They're good. They're great! Are those walnuts?" He asked. Mal just nodded her head "I love walnuts" He smiled

"I mean uh- you know the-" He cleared his throat "the um- the chocolate- the chocolate chips are um....Im sorry I...."

"Mal have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" He asked looking deep into Mal's eyes 

He was about to take another bite but I snatched the cookie away from him before he could "Ok, I think that's enough for you"

Jay swooped in from behind him and hummed "How you feelin, bro?"

"I feel-I feel- I feel like...singing your name! MALLLL!!! MALL-" Mal quickly covered his mouth with her hand

"Yup, the cookies worked"Carlos said from beside me. I chuckled a bit at him

. . .

 I know it was kinda short but...whateva

Hope you guys enjoyed it, and thank you all so much for all the sweet comments and support

You have no idea how much it really means to me

Well until next time!


-TOL <3

Maya Heart {Carlos De Vil}Where stories live. Discover now