Coronation Pt.2

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I shouldn't even have to say it at this point (Maya's P.O.V)

After we had parted ways with Mal, me Carlos, Evie, and Jay all made our way up to the balcony where we would be watching the coronation from.

All of us were nervous to say the least. Personally, I was terrified. All I ever wanted to do was protect the ones I love, and by letting my mom off the Isle, I'm not only putting myself at risk, but I'm also putting Carlos at risk. But I don't have a choice....

The trumpets were the first indication that Mal and Ben had arrived. We stood up from our seats and positioned ourselves at the edge of the balcony so we could see better.

Mal entered first as she was slipped in by a staff member from a side door, into her front row spot. Next came the King and Queen as the walked down the isle to their thrones, but not before stopping at the pedestal so the King could remove his crown and place it on the pillow.

Finally the band started playing a different toon as the doors opened to reveal Ben in a nice blue and yellow suit. I could feel my palms start to sweat with nerves, it was so close now.

Ben walked down the isle, just like his parents had done before, as he stopped at the end and knelt in front of Fairy Godmother.

I felt Carlos slip his hand into mine, I turned my head towards him and gave him a small, sad smile. This was it. 

Fairy Godmother gently placed the crown on Ben's head, then turned to the King as he unveiled the magic wand. She took it lightly in her hands, but I could feel the weight of it from where I stood.

She spoke with certainty and clarity when she said "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy, for as long as you shall reign?"

"I do solemnly swear" Ben said without missing a beat

"Then it is my honor and my joy," She said while placing the wand on his right shoulder "To bless our new King" But as she was moving onto the left shoulder someone grabbed the wand.


I looked wide eyed at Carlos, then Evie, we all took off running down to the first floor. Ohhhh we are so screwed.

Jane couldn't control the wand so it started spazzing out, a bolt of what appeared to be lightening zapped out of the end of the wand, going who know's where.

"CHILD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Fairy Godmother screamed at Jane

"If you won't make me beautiful, then I'll do it myself!" She shrieked while getting jerked around by the wand

We all ran up on the scene just in time for Mal to yank the wand out of Jane's hands. Everything fell silent, as the all powerful magic wand was now in the hands of a villain.

Ben stepped between Mal and his parents being the first to try and make sense of the situation "Mal, give me the wand" He spoke softly to her

"Stand back" She whispered barely being able to meet his eyes

"It's okay-" He tried again slowly inching forward

"Ben, I said stand back!" Mal said more forcefully. This time, he listened.

Now of course 'princess' just had to put her two cents in, as she stepped forward and said "I told you so!"

Mal on instinct pointed the wand at her, and for once in her life, Audrey shut her mouth. Despite the seriousness of the situation, I chuckled a little under my breath.

"Lets go" Carlos said, drawing my attention back to the situation

"Revenge time" Jay added

"You really wanna do this?" Ben pleaded with Mal

"We have no choice Ben!" Mal said miserably "Our parents-"

"Your parents made your choice!" He cut her off "Now you make yours"

It was dead silent in the room. You could hear a pin drop. I held my breath, this was our last chance to back out. I wasn't even sure what I wanted anymore. All I knew is that I wanted my friends to be safe. That's all I care about.

After what felt like an eternity Mal finally broke the silence "I think...I wanna be good" She said slowly

"You are good" Ben said with so much hope in his eyes it could fill the entire room

"How do you know that?!" She shot right back at him

"Because....because I'm listening to my heart" Ben said struggling for words 

Mal slowly looked down and started to lower the wand "I want to listen to my hear too. And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents" She said turning towards us now

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in "I mean, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy" She said to Jay

"And you scratching Dude's belly makes you happy, who would've thought?" She let out a wet laugh

"And Evie" Mal started choking up "You do not have to play dumb to get a guy, you are so smart" 

"Maya" She said now speaking right at me "You've been through hell and back, you should get to live your life in happiness!" She semi shouted the last part. I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes

"And I don't want to take over the world with evil, it doesn't make me happy." She sighed " I want to go to school. And be with Ben. Because Ben makes me really, really happy" She said holding up her hand that had Ben's ring sitting on it

I felt a single tear roll down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. "Listen you guys, I choose good" She said putting her hand in the middle of our little circle

"I choose good too" Jay joined her by putting his hand with hers

"I choose good" Evie said with a wet laugh

"Yeah, yeah I'm in" Carlos smiled and put his fist in the middle

Now all eyes were on me. "Maya?"

"My mom..." I trailed off

"Maya, your mom can't get to you here" Ben spoke up over Mal's shoulder

I made direct eye contact with him, then Mal, followed by Evie and Jay, and then finally Carlos. "Promise..?" I muttered like a little kid

A wet laugh was emitted from everyone as Jay whispered towards me "Promise"

"Okay then..." I said as I slowly joined my fist with my friend's

Not even thirty seconds later we all heard an explosion behind us. Yeah, yeah here we go....


Maya Heart {Carlos De Vil}Where stories live. Discover now