It's Goodbye, For Now

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Hello Guys, how are you all? I am back with another Fic again! I will finish my others, promise. I just can't get this idea out of my head, so here it is !

 cloud_3 created the picture for  Created the cover for this Fic, so go check out her stories as they are amazing! :D 
I am so excited for this, so my other fics might be put on hold for a while! 

Joshua Franceschi was an ordinary boy with nothing special about him. The most interesting thing about Joshua was that, his Mother was french, and his Father British, so technically the french born child was a hybrid of both British and French. Josh liked to identify as French, as that's where his Mother and Father had brought him up for the most part of his life

France was his home, his life. He grew up in the middle of Paris with all of his friends who loved an supported Joshua in everything that he wanted to do. When Josh was younger, he wanted to become a doctor, so he and his best friend, Dan, decided to check books out of their local library and study throughout the night. So to be standing at the airport, bags packed, tears streaming down his friends and parents face was not something the French born boy ever expected, yet wanted to experience, because this was the one time he didn't want them to be supportive. He wanted them to tell him studying abroad wouldn't help him achieve his dreams, that he won't be a better language teacher by studying in England 

"I'm going to miss you so much Baby" his Mother cooed whilst Joshua stopped his shoulder bag from sliding down for the twelve time since he's been standing waiting for the dreaded flight 

"Mama, please don't make me go" pleaded Josh with his biggest puppy dog eyes 

"I'm sorry baby, I can't take the money back now. Miss Sykes and her boyfriend are waiting for your arrival" she says in a sad tone, knowing she'll miss her baby boy terribly 

Josh pouts at his Mama the way he knew would make her heart sink, usually resulting in her changing her mind and letting Josh do whatever it was he was pouting for. Not this time, see, Mrs Franceschi had prepared for the pout and knew exactly what to expect

"Mummy" cooed Josh in a child like voice

She shook her head and tugged her eldest forward before placing her lips softly on his forehead before letting out a very heavy sigh. She knew this would be good for Josh, it would give him experience and above all, a fresh start from the boring life he would lead if he continued to stay here, in Paris 

"Off you go, your flight shall be taking off soon, Baby. Go say goodbye to your Father and Dan, then we'll walk you to the gate" she said in a firm, yet underlined saddened tone 

Josh huffed, tugged his bag up his shoulder once more before lugging his suitcase full of crap over to this best friend, who holding it together for Josh's sake. Josh being the stubborn, sulky teenager he was, threw his suitcase on the floor with a thud, making the two boys jump out of their skins and look up from their phones. Josh's Father was the first to stand, arms extended out for Josh to slot into and give him a a quick squeeze. Josh always felt weird giving his Father a hug, especially when it was like this

"I'm so proud of you Joshua, you're doing us proud" he beamed like any Father would at their child

Josh rolled his eyes and nodded at his Father who coughed before holding his wife's hand lovingly, watching both Dan and Josh stand there awkwardly 

Josh didn't know what to say in this moment, even though he was sure there was so many things he should say, or could say. The two boys stare at each other awkwardly, glancing at the floor every once in a while, neither boy saying a word. It took for Mrs Franceschi to push Josh towards Dan before the two boys broke the silence and laughed, both fiddling with their hair or jumpers 

"So, this is goodbye" starts Dan 

"Yeah, I guess it is" 

Silence filled the boys once more, the other afraid to say what the other was thinking 

"I'll miss you" adds Josh rolling on the balls of his feet in an awkward manner 

Josh knew why this was awkward but, he couldn't bring himself to admit it out loud, neither boys could. They both just knew this would be the end of them, whatever they actually were. There would be no more Josh and Dan, no more laughing, stupid antics, or even the odd make out session

"Please don't go" whispered Dan in a pained tone, his eyes filled with fear, rejection and sadness 

Josh's eyes welled a little bit too because it took till now to realise just how much Dan meant to him, and just how much he was going to miss the boy he started to fall for. Dan was his first everything and he was letting that go for a couple of years. Josh now had to deal with life without him, he had to do things alone, and that scared Josh. He had never been without Dan, and Dan without Josh. They're all each other have known and now, now it's going away

"I wish I didn't" croaks Josh looking at his best friends face 

Another silence filled the air between the boys, neither wanting to say goodbye, because then that meant Josh had to go and neither one of the boys were quite ready for that just yet 

"Josh... I need to tell you something before you leave" says Dan fidgeting on the spot 

Josh looks over to the boys face and it's flushed more than usual

"You know you can tell me anything" he says looking directly into the boys eyes 

He knew what Dan was going to say and a part of Josh longed to hear those words but, he knew as soon as they left the boys mouth, they couldn't be taken back

"I want to but, I'm scared" he sighed 

Josh knew how scared he must be because secretly, Josh was scared to. He was scared of loosing Dan entirely once he moved away. As soon as Josh gets onto that plane, they both knew that their lives would never be the same again 

"I know. I am too" he says pushing the lump down in his throat 

"I just want you to know-"

Will flight 113 please attend the boarding area... Flight 113 attend the boarding area

"I know, Dan. I Love you too" whispers Josh as Dan grabs his hand and turns him around to plant his lips upon on the younger male 

Josh is frozen for a minute before his lips move in sync with Dan's 

"Be mine Josh" he whispers putting his forehead against Josh's 

"Dan... We'll be so far away" he tried to argue 

"I don't care, I love you and want you to be mine" 

Josh pondered for a minute before shaking his yes and hugging the boy before walking towards his flight, fighting back the tears that threatened to ruin his already tired face 

This flight was going to be a long flight 

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