Room To Breathe

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An: Hello gorgeous people! How are we on this fine evening? Good I hope. I have some very exciting news, which is why I haven't updated in FOREEEVERRR... 
My FIANCE proposed to on my Birthday, and we are getting married next year- Which I am beyond excited for! :D 

So I've been focusing on that, and the fact I am heading to Amsterdam Wednesday for a few days, so we've been planning and saving money for it! 
Anywho, who is ready for this chapter? I am actually quite proud of the contents in this chapter- Especially a certain scene between Josh and Oli's Mum *Shuts mouth* I am saying no more. Continue reading for more information! Also another mention to 

cloud_3 for helping me a little bit with this chapter. Much love to you girl <3 

Oliver leapt back away from Josh, fear showing on his almost washed out face. No one was supposed to be home tonight... If  was here, that meant that his Mother was downstairs too

"I... I-It isn't..." Oliver couldn't speak, the words getting caught in the back of his throat as he opened his mouth, entire body trembling in absolute fear 

"Get dressed, the pair of you, and meet me downstairs" demanded his Step Father 

"Yes, Sir" whispered Josh, instantly sobering up, the sick building up in his mouth, ready to be unleashed into the toilet next to him 

Tom looked at the boys in horror, blinking several times before shutting the door behind them, following their Step Father down the stairs into the kitchen to their Mother 

Both boys didn't speak as they get dressed, neither one of them having the words to express how they felt in that moment. Josh looked at his drunken features, plashing water on his already pale complexion 

"I-I'm Sor-"

"Don't. Just don't say anything" muttered Oli, trying to calm his panicked heart down 

His Mother was going to freak when she finds out what he was doing, especially with Josh, their house guest. Oli wasn't sure what he was thinking, not in that moment. He couldn't gather his thoughts as they were swimming around his mind, swimming past as another one floated by instantly 

"I'm Sorry, Oli" whispered Josh, heart in his stomach 

Oli looked back at the breakable boy and sighed heavily, his thoughts mixed with his drunken brain 

"You tell no one... I swear to god, if anyone finds out Joshua, you're dead" Oli threatens Impassively, not even looking Josh in the eye as he opened the door, bracing himself for the riot his Mother was going to cause 

"No One knows" he gulps back, realising how serious Oli was being in that moment 

The boys cautiously walk down the stairs, awaiting the Monster known as Oli's Mother to unleash her fury onto them both 

"Oliver, Joshua, how nice of you to join us. Sit, I insist" she says in a sickly sweet voice, one that mimicked something like one of Oli's ones, the one that made you know you were in trouble 

Both the boys sat down, the chairs scraping across the floor as they pulled them out, echoing of the very cold, quiet room, all eyes on them both as that sat down, frozen in absolute fear 

"Tea, Coffee?" asks Mrs Michelson nonchalantly, pottering around the kitchen that was a mess 

"No thanks" they both mumble awkwardly, waiting for the storm to finally hit 

"Oh but I insist, since you boys must be so dehydrated by all the Alcohol you've consumed in the past- Oh I don't know?- Several hours or so" she said, cups landing on the counter harshly, making both the boys jump slightly 

Oli just remained quiet, knowing full well what rage his Mother had right now. He didn't want to rage the dragon in her further, therefore making himself remain silent until he was spoken to 

"C-Coff-Coffee" squeaked Josh, close to tears at this point from all the Anxiety build up to this conversation that he knew was about to happen 

"Excellent, Coffee for both of you it is. I can't get sense out of two intoxicated boys now, can I?" she chuckled, handing both the boys their Coffee's

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