Made Of Glass

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Hey guys. I am on new medication and it's been making me very sleepy and exhausted recently.  I've been in a really, really bad place but I am on the mend. Thanks for your patience. I promise if I don't finish any other fics, I will finish this one.

P.S: I love you all so dearly and thanks for the time and patience you put in with me, regarding on my update schedules <3 

The door swung open and shut again, signalling Josh that SJ had finally left the room, the echo of the door banging, the only thing that filled Josh's ears right now  

The first thing Josh thought about was how SJ knew what he had done. It's not like she lived in France with him, so how could she know? Josh made everyone who knew to promise never to speak of that again, Dan included. There was no way that Dan would have said anything if she had gotten in contact with him, that would have been the ultimate betrayal to Josh

Josh's head was swimming with thoughts, anxiety setting in, making it harder for him to breathe. He didn't know what he did to piss god off so much but, he was struggling to understand why this had happened to him. Josh wasn't religious, he thought himself more spiritual. He believed in a god, and he believed that aspect but didn't follow the religion attached to it 

Sighing, Josh slowly managed to lift his body from the floor, long sobs escaping his lips as he did so. The pain shot up his entire body and made him want to collapse again. He used the walls to steadily walk towards the sink, in hopes that someone would come in and save him from this mess that Jack had caused. He never knew Jack could be so cruel, not to this standard anyway 

Croaking slightly, Josh called out for someone to come help him, not even caring if anyone questioned what was wrong. He needed to check to see if his ribs were broke, fractured or just bruised, and to see if his nose was fixable. Catching a glance of himself in the mirror, Josh cringed at just how bruised and bloodied his face actually looked. The blood was now dried and it made Josh sick to his stomach to just see how battered he looked. He knew Jack had done a number on him but he didn't expect his face to look that bad

The doors swung open, a gasp coming from the persons lips. Josh looked round to see that Oli had walked in, shock written all over his face. You could see the cogs working in his mind trying to figure out what had happened here. He glanced towards the blood, then back to Josh again, words escaping him

"What the hell happened in here?" gasped Oli, unsure of how to react

Pools of tears filled Josh's eyes as he felt so ashamed of Oli seeing him like this, seeing him so beat up and broken 

"J-Jack. He came in a-and h-he... P-Please take me home Oli. I" sobbed Josh now, barely able to stand up as the tears slid down his blood stained cheeks 

Olis heart sort of broke in that moment as he rushed over to Josh, compassion taking over the boy. This was the least he could do for Josh, especially since Josh was there for him when he had his meltdown recently

"I'm going to kill him" muttered Oli, who picked Josh up bridal style, allowing Josh to sob into his chest heavily, hissing at how much his body hurt right now 

"I-I'm sorry I-I spilled my drink over J-Jack. I-I didn't mean to" 

"Shhh. Don't speak right now, Josh. Lets get you to the Medical room, then home alright?" soothed Oli, calm on the surface, anger brewing underneath that external exterior 

Josh did just that. He took in Oli's scent, allowing himself to be carried through the empty corridors in Oli's strong arms, sobbing quietly to himself. So happy that Oli wasn't beating him up too, that he was willing to dirty himself to help Josh get help

"Hey Frenchie, I have a favour to ask you. Don't tell the teacher who did this please? I'll deal with this myself. Jack went way too far, the idiot could have killed you. I'll make sure he doesn't have fingers to touch you with again" growled Oli lowly, making Josh feeling confused

Why did Oli care so much about Josh when he was also the one who bullied him too? Why would he go out of his way to make enemies with his best friend? Josh just wanted this whole thing to be left alone, buried and unmarked. He wanted to just go back home, to parents, to Dan


It was Oli's turn to look down at the boy in his arms and quirk a brow, confused 

"Why what?" 

"Why do you care so much, Oliver? You've never really cared before" whispered Josh as they stood outside the medical room

Oli said nothing, averting his gaze from Josh, unsure on how to answer this question. He didn't entirely dislike Josh, he just wasn't on the same level as him was all

Sighing internally, Josh cuddled up to Oli, taking in this gentle nature he had right now. It wasn't often Josh got to see Oli like this, so he was going to soak it up as much as he could

"Sir, I need to take Joshua home, hes been hurt pretty bad" shouted Oli, banging on the door with his foot, which made Josh slightly jump at the sudden noise 

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