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AN: Boys and Girls *Nods* Howdo? 

Just a warning, this chapter might trigger some people so, just an extra warning. I won't say what it is but, just know it could be triggering okay? Thanks for always being patient you gorgeous people. 

You're the reason I still write. I just love each and everyone of you. My anxiety and mental state has been so bad recently, it's making me incapable of anything. I've mostly been crying on my own, trying to get back to a stable mind again. So, thank you for being patient with me <3 

Josh woke up to an argument happening downstairs, his head slightly fuzzy from the alcohol from the previous night before. Moving on the bed made the entire room spin in a fast motion. It took everything in Josh not to lean over his bed and puke onto the carpet beneath him. Instead, he rushed towards the toilet and let the rest happen in the toilet 

"That was disgusting" muttered Josh to himself as he frowned at the mirror in front of him, looking at his dishevelled hair and oily complexion 

Josh was quick to brush his teeth, making sure to use extra paste to wash at his alcohol infused teeth. A hairbrush was used very quickly before Josh groggily got his school clothes on and made his way down the stairs to the source of the shouting in the kitchen 

"Fuck off. You're not my Father , so don't tell me what to do!" shouted Oli who was already dressed with a pint of water in his hand 

"Don't you take that Tone with my Oliver. I am your Mothers boyfriend and should be down a little bit more respect!" seethed Mrs Michelson's boyfriend 

"Ha. Respect? You know what you can do with it? Suck on it" chuckled Oli who shoved the man a middle finger before throwing the pint of water over the older male, leaving Josh slightly drenched in the water

"Oliv- Oh Josh. Hello, Good morning" smiled the man awkwardly shaking the water off his his face and hands, whilst Josh used a dish cloth to dry his see-through white uniform 

"Hello" whispered Josh shyly

The man sighed heavily, before turning around to Josh and running his fingers down his face in annoyance- Much like Mrs Michelson had done so previously a few times 

"I'm sorry you had to witness that. All I asked what Oliver apologise to his Mother for last nights antics. He's lucky I didn't tell her what I actually saw between the both of you"

Josh's stomach knotted in panic at the thought. What if this man before him made Mrs Michelson hate him, send him home and tell his Parents? Josh couldn't handle the humiliation that would cause to him

"Oh Uh, yeah, sure... About last night I-"

"It's okay. I won't tell her. I don't think she needs to know about this little... Incident. I'm sure Oliver pressured you into that situation anyway. That's the type of kid he is really. His Mother refuses to see Oliver as the troublesome kid he is, she just turns a blind eye and pretends everything is okay. If it were, last night would not have happened in the slightest... I'm sorry, I'm rambling. You should head to school, it's almost quarter past 8" mumbled the man who's name Josh didn't know 

"Thanks Uh-"

"Jona. My name is Jona, and no problem Kid. Have a good day" he smiled warmly, which made Josh smile warmly right back at him 


Walking into school was the thing Josh hated the most, especially since Alex and Vic were mostly late to classes leaving Josh to deal with Jack all by himself- Like now. Jack had Josh pushed up against his locker, fist right in his face 

"I found out which little asshole spilt their drink over me last night. You think it's funny to spill me, and not think I won't find out? Well guess what, I did and not it's time I teach you're ugly face a little lesson" he smirked dragging Josh towards the bathroom, Josh silently crying, nails catching every surface it could

No one helped Josh as he was dragged no, they just turned around and let the abuse happen. No one wanted to get involved with Jack Barakat and Oliver Sykes. It was best to let one kid be bullied than an entire group of them. Josh knew this yet, he still pleaded with the kids to help him with his eyes. The cries hopefully sparking come courage into someone so they came to rescue Josh from the torture of Jack

That was wishful thinking, especially since Jack glared at the kids to leave the bathroom and throw Josh into a cubicle, chin hitting the edge of the seat, making Josh cry out in pain, whimpering to Jack to stop 

"Poor baby, maybe if you hadn't spilled me, you wouldn't be in this predicament huh?" taunted Jack, who bend down to Josh's level 

"I-It was an acc-accident. J-Jack please don't hurt me. I-I'll do anything" groveled Josh, really not wanting to be put through anymore pain 

"Oh, I know you will, that's why this is s perfect for me" smirked Jack evilly as he started to unzip his jeans 

Josh's eyes widened as he knew exactly what was about to happen. Jack was about to ask Josh to blow him in order for Josh to be free from his cruel beatings and bullying- As degrading as it was, Josh wold rather blow Jack instead of his face being beaten to death, leaving bruises for days that he would have to explain to everyone 

"O-Okay. J-Just please don't h-hurt me, J-Jack" chocked Josh, so scared of how rough Jack was about to me with his delicate mouth 

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