Bonjour Monsieur

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Josh woke up from his sleepy state and looked around the plane to notice people were standing up, shuffling around to grab their overhead luggage. He stretched his bones out and listened to them crack before yawning and rubbing his still very sleepy eyes

Josh had never slept on a flight before, but was grateful that he had. He wasn't as tired as he was this morning, which meant he was more awake to meet the new family he was going to be staying with

To say the French born boy was nervous would be an understatement of the century. Josh was terrified, scared, nervous and anxious all in one. He wasn't sure what this family would be like, so he clung to his shoulder bag and collected his luggage, taking in a deep breathe 

Josh took one step at a time, his legs feeling jelly as he walked. His heart race increased and his hands started to sweat more than usual.

This was the first time Josh had been away from his family and it was safe to say he was a little bit excited and nervous 

Taking in a deep breathe, he pushed through security and the sea of people in his way, pushing and shoving him back in all sorts of directions. Josh never realised he had claustrophobia until he started to be squished between people who carried him in the direction of the exit

Once he was there, Josh looked out for a sign that would have his name assigned to it. Hopefully the sign would be big so Josh didn't spend hours looking for a sign that would end up being a tiny piece of paper

Sweating, Josh looked around the airport, something bright catching his eye. He turned his body to face it when he saw his name in bright marker pens, on a piece of cardboard. Taking in another deep breathe, he walked towards the sign, and the woman who was holding it up as high as her little arms could manage

The first thing Josh noticed was how small the woman holding the sign was, with her short brown hair that hung around her very beautiful face, bright blue eyes that any one lucky guy could stare into for hours. The woman smiled when she saw Josh, extending her hand out to reach for him in the crowed of people. Josh happily took it and stepped in front of the presumably 5'ft woman 

"You must be Joshua. I am Linda Michelson, it's a pleasure to meet you sweetheart" she said giving the boy very warmest smile knowing he would be nervous to come with her 

"Hello Mrs Michelson, the pleasure is mine" said Josh taking her hand and kissing the back of it softly 

The older woman blushed and told Josh he didn't have to be so formal with her. Josh blushed and nodded his head, feeling stupid for kissing her hand like that. He had always seen his Father do this to his Mother, and he always saw it as a sign of respect 

"Lets go sweetheart, Oliver will be home from School soon and I would like for you both to meet before he heads out to a party tonight with his friends" she beams with such radiance that Josh couldn't help but smile too 

As they exited the airport and got into Mrs Michelson's car, Josh wondered what Oliver was like. Was he like his Mother, sweet, kind and small? Would he want to even be his friend when he finally settled in, or would Oliver ignore Josh like many other kids back home did, because he was different in his dress sense and hair styles 

"So sweetheart, what kinda foods do you like? I'm going shopping later and want to cook you a, welcome to the family meal" she says stopping at a traffic light 

"Oh me? Snails" he smirked with a little laugh in his tone 

Linda looked at him before realising he was joking with her, a laugh coming from her lips

"You got me there. I think you'll fit into our family well Joshua" she beamed at Josh again, making his pale white skin turn a rosy pink shade 

Josh smiled as himself and Linda both sat in a very comfortable silence, allowing Josh the time to grab his phone from his pocket to snap chat Dan the scenery that he was passing by in the car. He pressed record and pointed it towards the window and smiled as he watched the tree's pass them by. Josh loved the outdoors, he loved Camping, Cycling and going for long walks across the beach. He and and Dan used to ride together most days across the bump roads of Paris, pretending they were on a roller coaster when they were going down a very long, bumpy hill on the way to school 

Dan is typing 

Josh grinned from ear to ear at the guy who was slowly stealing his heart 

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