I Feel A Little Lost

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An: Omg, you guys are totally awesome. I know it doesn't mean much, but the votes on my previous chapter made me so, so happy. I kinda had to update again as a thank you for you all.

So, yeah, I hope you like this chapter, cause I actually really enjoyed writing it, a lot. I introduced two new characters *Cough Cough, band members*

I really hope you all like this long af chapter as much as my other one! This would have been over 3k words if I has continued to write anything else. I'll add what I wanted to add, in the next chapter.... I promise I'll try to not make it super long haha..... Maybe.

I've gotten @cloud_3 long chapter bug ,I think haha! Anywho, I'm rambling now! :P

Ps: Please ignore any spelling mistakes cause, I haven't proof read this shit yet, and I am far too lazy to do it tonight! 

Sleep didn't come to Josh at all that night, especially when Oli decided to roll in at 3am and wake Josh up from his peaceful sleep, stealing all the covers so Josh was cold all night, the hairs on his arms standing up as he lay there, wide awake. Oli's alcohol breathe fanning his face every time he breathed in then out again

So, Josh text Dan all night, telling him how much he missed him, how he couldn't wait for summer break so he could go home and visit them and do all the stupid stuff they used to do already

Turns out Dan was not happy with Josh sharing a bed with the very attractive Oli as Josh, he was only Dan's, and no one else should take his place next to Josh's side, not even a friend. Josh didn't mind Dan being like this though, not really, it showed that Dan really did love him. and he cherished moments when Dan was being cute towards him because, he wouldn't always get the chance to message Dan all the time

Waking up was terrible for Josh, because he was lacking sleep and not to mention, he could feel Oli pressed against him, an arm draped over his middle lazily. Josh tried everything he could do to move the heavily sleeping boy, but to no avail, Oli was a deep sleeper and couldn't be waken. The apocalypse could have started ,and Oli would be dead, due to not waking up around the screaming and shouting around him

Yawning, Josh stretched out, turning his body so he was facing the ceiling, Oli's hand moving with him, touching an area he would rather his hand wasn't right now. Josh blushed profusely, wishing Oli would wake up and not notice where his hand currently was right now, it would only make him hate Josh even more than he seemed to already

Oli grunted in his sleep before rolling over, and off of the bed, making him jump awake. Josh had to stifle a laugh as the sleeping boy was not so asleep

"What the... Huh?" said Oli with a mouth thick full of sleep and grog from the lack of water in his system from right now

He looked around and noticed Josh just staring at him, eyes wide and hand over his mouth as his shoulders shook, little squeaks escaping his mouth

"What you fucking looking at!" snapped Oli too hung over to deal with Mr French boy today

He had a killer headache and just wanted to sleep until noon, but his Mother would never allow it and not to mention, Oli had an essay to hand in today - which meant he had to turn up or no football to be played for him and Oli loved playing football with the lads (They're in England my American readers so, it would be soccer for you guys. For those who don't know)

"You. I'm looking at you idiot" was what Josh wanted to say but, alas, he did not. Instead, Josh shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the ignorant boy below him and he got out of the bed, dressed in pyjamas as, hell no was Josh wearing just his boxers around Oli. He would only have some Queer joke to make about Josh....They already had gotten off on the wrong foot with Oli as it was

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