If Only This Would Last

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Hello guys. I have no excuses but I've been in a bad place and I think I am possibly back for good again. Thanks for any comments in advanced and enjoy this chapter :D 

Josh fell asleep as quickly as his head hit the pillow. His body ached that was for sure but, he was too tired to care about that right now. An arm was draped over him, giving him the comfort he desperately needed  right now. Oli had fallen asleep next to him and his and Josh's snores mixed in together, almost in perfect unison as they slept. The room was peaceful, quiet and most of all, safe. Josh did not fear being hurt here as he slept, his entire body relaxing into the pillow and Oli's touch. It was like a dream- that was until Mrs Michelson came home, interrupting their sound sleep. 

"Boys, I'm Home. Why are all my lights on if you aren't using them?" she bellowed from downstairs, placing her shopping down on the floor 

The boys didn't stir, too deep in their sleep to hear her loud cry of displeasure of the lights. Josh stirred a little, turning over and cuddling into Oli's warmth, smacking his lips as he did so

Mrs Michelson climbed the stairs and first entered Oli's room to notice he wasn't there. She wondered where he could be as his bedroom light was on, but was no where to be seen in the house. Walking to Josh's room, she noticed the room was dark but light snores were emanating from it, prompting her to enter and see if Josh was okay. At first glance, she couldn't see much as Josh's back was towards her but on closer inspection, she saw the two boys cuddled up together, peaceful expressions on their faces

Oli stirred before waking, yawning and stretching his aching bones. He felt disoriented at first before he realised that he was in Josh's room, with Josh curled next to him sleeping soundly. Oli looked to over to his Mother waving and a wash of Panic filled him. What if she thought he were gay? What would she even say to see both of them in such an intimate position like this, after everything that's happened in this house 

It's not what it looks like" whispered Oli untangling himself from Josh who whimpered but stayed asleep

" Alright, and what does it look like?" questioned Oli's Mum making sure they both were on the same page 

" Nothing. He was upset so I decided to comfort him. He wouldn't stop crying" half lied Oli

Mrs. Michelson eyed her son up accusingly before shrugging her shoulders, deciding to let this situation go as Oliver didn't want to be very truthful with her today. "How was school Sweetie? I got McDonald for us as I really don't want to cook tonight" she smiled walking towards her kitchen with Oli behind her yawning again

"Alright. Boring as always, nothing new" lied Oli, hoping his Mother did not catch him in this web of a lie "

"Sounds about right. Yours is the Cheese Burger right?" 

"Mum... How many times do I have to tell you, I am Lactose Intolerant" sighed Oli with a hint of mischief in his voice 

"Oh? I thought that was your Brother? You boys change your minds so often I can't keep up. here, I'll take it out for you" she sighed sounding exhausted 

"I'm joking Ma, it is Tom who is, not me. Everything alright, you look shattered?" Oli asked with concern about his Mothers welfare. Oli knew her to work loads but never had she looked like in the entire time his father died and left everything to his mother to do

"What? Yes, I am okay sweetie. Nothing to worry about. Just a very long day at work is all. I love you but I am tired and going to bed okay? Josh's food is in there for when he wakes up" she half smiled, placing her bag and a letter on the counter before kissing Oli goodnight 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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