The One And Only, Oliver Sykes

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Oliver rolled his eyes and grunted loudly as he looked over to the very nervous boy next to him, turning back to mother as he pursed his lips in a thin line

"I am not sharing a room, with him" he said glaring at Josh who nervously shuffled back on the balls of his feet

Josh didn't ask for this, he didn't want to be sharing a room with an egotistical, self centred asshole. 

No, Josh just wanted to fit in and ge ton his with studies and pretend he wasn't so far from his actual home, away from Dan, the guy who helped Josh through everything in his entiety of their friendship

Mrs Michelson frowned at her disobedient son and let out a long, groggy sigh before running her fingers down her face in surrender

"Just for once can't you just go with what I say Oliver, honestly. It's not my fault that his bed and things haven't arrived yet" she tried knowing that Oli wasn't going to stop without putting up a fight beforehand

Oliver frowned at Josh, showing him how unimpressed he was with this whole situation. How was He meant to have alone time when someone was in the same room as him?

A guy at that

"I'm fine with the floor, honestly" piped up Josh because he on fact didn't want to share a bed with this hot, but dick-like stranger

Josh had no patience for people like Oliver in his life

"See, he can sleep on the floor. Easy" smirked Oliver over to Josh

Josh tried so hard not to roll his eyes at the taller male, knowing it would only fuel the fire further than it needed to be fuelled. Josh was here to study and learn all that he can learn about the world, before going home and spending the rest of his life with Dan, the guy who captured his heart a long time ago

"That is simply out of the question. I'm not letting up on this one Oliver. I may give into your puppy eyes but not today. I will not allow our guests to sleep on that cold, damp floor. Now suck it up and show Joshua to your bedroom. I will sort something out tomorrow when I have the time and patience" she scolded her son, who she knew wouldn't take her seriously anyway

Oliver groaned, storming out of the room, leaving Josh to awkwardly stand in the kitchen with his Mother, who shook her head as she muttered stuff underneath her breathe about Oliver being like his Father sometimes

"Come on then, I don't have all day to wait around for your stupid ass to make its way up these damn stairs" snapped Oli in a pissed off tone

Josh bit his tongue and groaned inwardly as he picked up his stuff and walked up the stairs, struggling to carry all his crap with him. Oli looked down and Josh, smirking showing no attempt to help the already troubled boy with his things

"Thanks for the help asshole" muttered Josh under his breathe and he wheezed at the top of the stairs, struggling to catch his breathe

"What did you say?" enquired Oli as he was sure that Josh had said something to him and he missed it

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