Mischievous Boy

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An: How did this chapter end up being so long? hahahaha. I really need to thank cloud_3 for helping a tonne with this chapter! I really struggled to write this with what content I wanted to put into it! I hope you enjoy, and happy Fransykes ... I also feel the end is rushed but, I still hope you guys like it? 

Feedback is welcomes, as always. I would love to know what you guys think, because believe it or not, you're comments are what make me want to keep updating when I feel like giving up. 
Honestly, I've felt really low about my writing recently, that it's not good enough and that's one of the reasons it's taken me so long to update. If it wasn't for you guys and cloud_3 for encouraging me, I would have given up already <3 

For the entire weekend, Josh just helped Mrs Michelson finally move his stuff into his own bedroom, away from Oli and his extra moody, snappy attitude. Oliver just mostly stayed in his room, or stormed down the stairs to grab some food and then storm back up, slamming his door behind him

Josh wondered if he was still having a hard time from talking to Josh about the death of his Father, and breaking down in front of him, because that would explain a lot of his recent behaviour towards Josh, and his family 

This continued for a couple of weeks, where Josh would be ignored, not even teased. It's like Oli didn't even acknowledge his existence - Which hurt Josh but, also made him feel a slight breathe of relief too. It meant that Josh wasn't being bullied both at home and school 


As usual at school the halls were full of chatter, but this time, it was full of Oli's name, and something about some big party. Not wanting to draw any attention towards himself, Josh Kept his eyes trained to the floor, heading to his first lesson, when he felt himself being tugged backwards, eyes covered by a big pair of hands, and his mouth cupped too. Panic soared through the boys body, a dread of fear in his icy eyes. Josh didn't know who this could be but, whoever it was had cold hands, and a tight grip on his face - Josh was sure he didn't do anything on the way to school this morning, so this was uncalled for today 

"Stop scrambling Frenchie" whispered a husky voice Josh's body reacted to all to well 

Instantly, Josh relaxed again Oli's grip, allowing himself to be pulled into the boys toilets, nerves and confusion in his veins

It didn't take long for Oli to push Josh against the wall, hands each side, leg between Josh's, holding him in place, his face inches from Josh's 

"W-What d-did I do?" he breathed out, his heart skipping several beats at the closeness of Oli to himself 

Oli laughs, his breathe tickling Josh's cheeks, making him inch a little but further away from the boy in front of him right now 

"Nothing. I know you've heard about my little party that I am having tonight. It's practically all over the school by now"

Josh nodded, trying to control his teenage hormones right now 

"Well, I just thought I would personally come and invite you and you're little friends to join us"

"R-Really? I didn't think you liked-"

"I don't. There is a condition though, Little French Boy. You see, you and your friends have to stay in your room all night" whispered Oli, walking his fingers up Josh's chest teasingly, knowing it effected Josh 

Josh gulped, ignoring the touch of Oli, a guy Josh knew was an asshole but, couldn't help but be attracted to in a little way

"O-Okay" Josh whispered with a gulp 

"Good Boy. You're so obedient Josh" laughed Oli, tapping Josh's chin before releasing him from his grip

Josh scrambled away, his hot body reaching it's maximum peak- His trousers that little bit tighter from his assault with his fingers 

"Thank you" whispered Josh once again, feeling so timid today 

"You're welcome, Joshua. Oh and one more thing... Keep this our little secret... My mother, knows nothing. If you do, perhaps you're school life won't be as bad" he winked at Josh before walking out of the bathroom, leaving Josh to fall to floor and untie his tie, letting the air get to his heated skin 

Josh untied his tie, fanning his face with his hands, trying to cool his prickling skin down just a touch, knowing he had classes to attend to, people to interact with 

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