French Boy

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An: For those who don't know who Sj is, there is a picture up the top for you. She's going to look very much like this for the Fic. Just imagine a little bit heavier makeup though, and a school uniform for the most part and bright red lipstick ..... Also! Sorry for this long, boring af chapter! I'm trying introduce the main characters and show off their personalities... Promise this will pick up - at some point 

Josh followed his two new friends to their class, listening to them both bicker about who was going to steal Josh first to do their French homework for them. Josh chuckled softly, hoping these two boys would become long term friends, so school was that little bit less lonely 

"Back off Fuentes, I saw him first!" glared Alex playfully at Vic, who glared back at Alex 

Josh laughed at the two bicker and glare at each other - That was until Josh found himself tumbling over something on the floor, his body colliding with a chair directly in front of him. He looked around, cheeks flushed as the classed burst into a roar of laughter, Josh trying to figure out what he had tripped over. It wasn't until he saw a foot and followed it up to the face, that he noticed it was Jack, the guy he had made a bad impression on already

"I didn't get my postcard down there Newbie. Be sure to send it next time, okay?" he cooed, making Josh want to just run out of the classroom and do cry in the boys toilets until he couldn't cry no longer 

Alex lifted the boy from the floor, wishing Jack would stop being such a Jerk and leave poor Josh alone and pick on him instead

"Honestly Barakat, I'm going to smash your face against that desk one of these days" seethed Alex, who was almost bright red from anger 

"It's fine" mumbled Josh who didn't want anymore hassle from the school's bully, his possible broken nose was enough excitement for Josh for one day 

"See, listen your boyfriend there Lexi" he chuckled 

"A, Josh is not my boyfriend, and B: Don't call me Lexi, because I shall break your goddman perfect nose" he spat back at the Jock like bully 

Jack went to get up but, Oliver walked into the classroom, arms behind his head as he looked down at Josh, a light chuckle escaping those annoying lips that Josh had come to hate already 

"What's 'e doing down there?" laughed Oli, fist bumping Jack 

"Joshie here decided he wanted to go on a little trip, so I helped him along the way, right?" 

Josh just nodded, letting Vic and Alex walk him towards a table, sitting him on a chair before Alex slammed his fist into the table angrily

"It's not fair. Why do those jerks get to be king of this piece of shit school! People like those need to be put in their places.... I'll happily smash both their faces against the desk... One at a time" he huffed as he took out his homework and placed it onto the table, all ruined with coffee stains and pencil marks 

Alex was never the neatest person, so it came to no surprise to Vic, that his friends paper was a shamble of a mess. Josh on the other hand, looked at the screwed up mess and tried so hard to read what was messily written down on the paper, blinking past the coffee and pencil stained marks 

"What is that" laughed Josh at the crumbled piece of paper on the table in front of Alex 

Alex looked towards Vic who was biting back a laugh he so badly wanted to let out at Josh's amused queirie 

"That my dear friend if your first task" said Alex smugly, earning a playful glare from Vic, who was scribbling down some things on his unfinished homework

"You're impossible. I can't physically fix, that " laughed Josh looking at the messy french words on the paper, not being able to understand what in the world Alex was even trying to write down

"You're no fun. Why did we become his friend again when he can't even fix my shitty homework?" pouted Alex playfully 

"Now, Now Lexi. It's not Josh's fault, you can't comprehend basic English, let alone French" said Vic, who smirked, making Alex pout even further 

Alex pouted more now, his bottom lip sticking out further, making Vic poke it laughing. Alex made a face is distaste, clearly not liking that Vic had invaded his mouth with his fingers yet again. Vic had a habit of poking Alex's face whenever Alex pouted towards him, which always happened because Vic was constantly mean to him

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