Chapter 13: Vanish

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Alex's POV

Through the thick fog I could see a light. It shone directly towards Addison and I.

"Here!" I called out as loud as I could. "Help us!" Feet started to run towards us. A dozen or so firefighters emerged from the black smoke. I was seated on the ground cradling Addison's head on my lap. Despite my best efforts she had passed out not long after I had removed the beam from her leg.

As the men reached us I let out a cough red blood landed on my arms that were covered with soot.

"Sir can you stand up?" A fire fighter asked me as Addison was taken from me and onto a blanket that functioned as a stretcher. I nodded my head while cradling my shoulder, as I got to my feet I started coughing violently and collapsed onto the closest firefighter.

My head lolled back and I lost consciousness the world around me fading into black.

Mark's POV

I could faintly hear voices. They sounded worried people were crying out and yelling. Someone was talking about a female with severe burns. I faintly wondered who it was, before my body started to move. People were lifting me up. I had no control of my limbs so when I realized I could feel my legs I was surprised. A loud screaming sound forced me to open my eyes. Looking around I saw Christina fighting to stay with Owen who was obviously in a lot of pain. A firefighter was holding her back and another was putting Owen on a stretcher. The one beside mine.

"Hey" I greeted my voice weak and hoarse. "Is everyone out?" I asked him again as Christina was carried out of the flames and towards safety.

"I saw Callie and Arizona leave." Owen stopped as his voice gave out. After swallowing hard he continued, "Izzy is over there with George. Addison and Alex was the first person out. L...Lexie's out." He said looking away as he said Lexie's name. I was going to ask about her before a thought hit me.

"What about Derek and Meredith?" I asked him my eyes suddenly wide and alert.

"I... I haven't seen either of them. They might have already made it out?" But Owen sounded unsure. Like he was trying to convince him self. Before I could question him further two firefighters grabbed each end of my makeshift stretcher and carried me away from Owen and out to safety.

Callie's POV

Sunlight was the first thing I saw as my eyes opened. I had an oxygen mask on my face and I was lying on a stretcher waiting for my turn on an ambulance. I saw two men running with a small person carried between them on a blanket.

I was about to sit up when a shadow fell across my face. Miranda Bailey was standing above me a look of relief apparent on her face.

"Callie you are okay for now. Arizona is fine she is being treated for her burns at Seattle Pres. Mark seems to have a concussion but we are not sure how bad it is. Owen and Christina are already at Seattle Pres. they both have broken bones. Addison and Alex made it out but I didn't get to check on them." My groggy mind was going two hundred miles a minute trying to keep up with Bailey. Noticing my confused and somewhat bewildered expression her eyes softened and she began to speak softer.

"Everyone is alive as far as we know. But..." I gave her a pointed look and motioned for her to continue. "Nobody has found either Meredith or Derek." My head stopped beating for a minute as those words sunk in.

Derek and Meredith could be dead. Blown to bits like Dylan from the bomb squad Meredith told me about.

They would simply cease to exist. Nobody would come to Derek Shepard for treatment because... there would be no Derek Shepard. And Meredith Grey would simply vanish from everywhere. No more hiding in the tunnels with her friends, or causing trouble with the other residents. They would just... vanish.

Derek's POV

I slowly woke up with a pounding headache. I groaned before trying to sit up. Only to be stopped by a big concrete beam resting above me. Then I noticed the small figure slumped onto my chest. Meredith looked worse than before, if that was even possible. Her head was bleeding profusely and he breathing was even more unsteady than before.

I tried to move my arm but stopped when excruciating pain shot from up from my wrist. Looking down I saw the bone sticking out of my bleeding skin. The wound was terribly painful and I chocked back a sob.

I lay on the ground wondering if anyone else was even alive. By now the possibility of Meredith having permanent brain damage was more likely than not. Realizing if I wanted Mer to even have a small chance of survival I needed to get out. I slowly started to move my legs. Wiggling my toes and rolling my ankles until I was finally confident I had all my limbs attached to my body. Using my right hand I carefully moved Meredith's head from my torso onto the ground.

I slowly shimmed out from under the beam, ignoring my body's protests. Flipping onto my stomach I pushed myself so I was in a crouched position before standing up. I looked around but to my dismay all I could see was thick black smoke. I crouched down and slowly pulled Meredith's limp boy towards mine, growing ever more scared when she didn't wake. Ignoring the protesting of my right wrist I lifted her limp body and pressed her close to me.

As I was about to start walking I heard a sound.

"Nobody's here. The last ones must have died."

"Agreed, we need to get out of here."

Then there was silence. I tried calling out, but my voice was too hoarse and I kept coughing.

Slowly I started to pick my way through the debris towards where I last heard the voices. As I neared the spot a flicker of lift caught my attention. Turning towards my left I saw a shattered window. It led directly outside to where a bay of ambulances waited leaving every few minutes with a new person.

I started walking towards the window, slowly at first trying not to move Meredith more than needed. But then I started to go faster, despite to get out of the flames. When Meredith's chest fell and did not rise I began to run. I used whatever energy I had in me and pushed myself towards the window. Jumping over the glass covered ledge I landed outside on the concrete with a loud bang.

"Help". Was the only thing I could say before darkness took over.

Hey so they are finally out!!! What do you think is going to happen???? Comment ideas!!

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