Chapter 22- Nightmares

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Derek's POV

I knew something was bugging her, even though she insisted she was fine. Her eyes held terror and pain I never wanted her to have seen, let alone felt.

Miranda and Richard had 'borrowed' some hospital gurneys for Mer and Lexie and anyone else who couldn't manage stairs. As we arrived Mark walked out wincing a little as he moved his legs too fast. He had one of the gurneys and was pushing it slowly towards the car.

Miranda jumped out and Richard helped her shift Meredith from my lap to the gurney. Meredith's body was tense and she looked like a frightened deer, ready to run.

Mer clenched her teeth together as Mark started wheeling her back into the house. I jumped out of the car, running my hands through my hair wincing as I came in contact with my stitched up cut on my head. I hurried in behind Mark and almost laughed at the sight in front of me. The living room had four gurneys pushed behind the couch. There was room for one other, that was Meredith's. IV hooks lines the room and Meredith's medicine alone took up most of the shelves beside the couch.

The kitchen was stuffed with food, Chinese takeout was already on plates waiting for someone to eat it. There was a wheel chair, folded up beside the door, Arizona, Owen, Lexie and Izzy were in the other four.

I watched as Mark moved Meredith's gurney beside the others. She still couldn't sit for long periods of time, mostly due to the deep cut on her back. I watched Addison hobble in with her crutches. Alex right behind her.

"I call Mer's room!" Alex hollered as he started up the stairs patiently watch for Addison to go up first.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I asked laughing a little. There was an extra cot set up in the study. Where we would put Meredith's gurney, so she hopefully wouldn't wake everyone up with her nightmares. Except me. I was going to be there to comfort her through every single one.

Lexie's POV

I jumped up locking my jaw to keep from crying out from the burns on my back. Meredith's screams echoed through the house. But nobody could complain. Nobody would complain. I listened until I heard the hysterical crying slowly start to quiet down. Mark was asleep on the couch, not wanting to leave my side. He looked over at me and everyone else who was lying in a gurney, Arizona, Owen and Izzy.

As Meredith's cries turned into small almost inaudible sniffles I gently lowered myself back on the gurney. Kicking my blankets off. Ever since the fire... I always wanted to stay slightly cold. Never warm. The reminders were too strong and painful, so I avoided heat, convinced everyone I didn't want extra blankets.

Slowly my eye lids dropped shut and I slipped into unconsciousness.

Meredith's POV

It felt like I had been trapped in my nightmare for days, weeks, months. But my body felt like I hadn't slept in years. Derek held me, as tight as he dared, as I slowly calmed down. The nightmares were constantly haunting me. They plagued my sleep and burned my eyes every time I shut them.

Derek's usually perfect hair was messy, he had been running his hand through it. It is what he did when he was stressed. I quickly looked away from his handsome face, remembering what I saw when I had looked in the mirror.

My face was violent shades of purple and black. Most of the cuts however were healing. My hair was tangled and dirty, and my eyes looked dull.

I quickly looked away not able to stand the sight of what I had become.

"Mer. Look at me, your okay now. You are safe." Derek said his voice sincere.

"Derek... Can I ask you something?" I questioned averting my eyes away from his.

"Of course you can ask me anything, what it is?" Derek's eyes held pain. I suddenly realized what I would ask would hurt him. Hoping he wouldn't see through my lie I said.

"Could you sleep with me tonight?" Derek look relieved and happy. Climbing into bed. I didn't cry when he hit my shoulder and I actually cuddled closer to him when he draped his arm around me.

I stayed that way for the rest of the night. Never sleeping, simply staring at the wall, too afraid to let my eyes close.

Christina's POV

As much as I wished I could sleep next to Owen, I knew I had to let him rest. I lay awake in Meredith's bed, sleep would simply not come to me. I jumped in surprise every time my persons terrified screams were heard from downstairs.

Owen was much better. He could probably do stairs, but I told him not to risk re injuring his ribs. My PTSD was not as bad as Meredith's, but ever present. I could barely sit in a car when it was moving.  I whimpered when I heard feet outside my door. Slowly it opened and I watched as Alex walked in.

"Christina!" He hissed goggle touching my shoulder.

"What do you want evil spawn it's like... really late." I said trying to act like how I would normally act.

"I'm going to sleep here for now." I had just barely heard his words before he jumped in the bed with a loud "omf".

"Ouch." I deadpanned watching as he rolled over and laughed.

As Alex slowly started to fall asleep I finally realized I was tired. I pulled the covers tighter around me. Then slowly the world faded into darkness.

Hey sorry for the short chapter☹️ I'm having some writers block please comment ideas for future chapters and I hope you enjoyed!

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