The Sword to the Daggers to Life

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Everyone lives. Everyone dies. But few numbers of those were because of their cries.

I am the one you should get away from. I am the one you should be afraid of.

I may look human but I am an endless form. With one particular goal, you will never know.

I was there. I was really there. I watched everything. How you torture those who deserved to live. How you mock their very existence with the daggers from your mouth.

A girl was once jolly and free. But you clipped her wings and chained her will. She used to be someone with potential until you chopped her down and burned every hope.

She stayed strong, thinking you needed help. But you proved her wrong and stabbed her instead.

She cannot walk. She cannot crawl. She stayed on the ground with tears flowing endlessly.

You killed her. You killed her existence. A cannibal who feels nothing, someone who should be the one dead.

She was still a child. A child who would’ve had a future with her loved ones but you garbled it and threw it once not useful. It was all because of you.

You should be the one dead.

You may have killed me but my vengeance still burns. I will not let you do the same. You whimper at my feet and cry with your shameful eyes upon my return.

I have no mercy for mercy is not present in my nature. Surrendering will do you no good. You who should be dead will remain conscious of your pain. You should feel the endless searing pain for what you have done.

. . .

My goal is never-ending. My soul is alive. My vengeance will never extinguish till it erases all daggers to life.

You can’t see me but you might feel me. I am the one in your heart, the one in your brain. If you find me, you won’t be the same as the one who should be dead.

You won’t pity yourself as a lowly piece of bread. But if you neglect me, darkness will be upon you.

I am a part of His Army. I am the shield of the light. I am with hope. I fight darkness in a long fight.

I am the sword to the daggers to life. So live, my child. Live.

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