Playing Therapist

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She always has and always will be the moral support for others. 

She would give way for others. She's there for anyone when they need her. in anyone. Classmate, friend, relative, even a stranger. 

She loves helping people. It's the right thing to do. 

She cares. Probably too much.

She worries. Probably too much as well.

Yet she becomes too attached at one point. 

She always have a bunch of load, on her shoulders, on her heart and on her hands. 

But she doesn't mind. She loves to see people smile and be happy.

Even if she's the one hurting. She would endure it, she thought. It'll be worth it.




At least, that's what she thought.

As time goes on, the drama wore her down. She's too preoccupied with daily tasks that the load multiplied by three. 

But she doesn't have it in her to stop. She still cares. Though, it's slowly eating her up.

She has been PLAYING THERAPIST and is still continuing.

With a mask on, her journey is neverending.

And no one would even think to ask if she needed the time to vent or rest. No one at all. 

Onwards she continued. Head high and a smile plastered on. Though, the back is hunched and her eyes are droopy. She stands tall. 

Did you ever tried to think if she needed any saving at all? I guess not.

A/N: The story that completely described this is in the external link. Read if you must. 

She bids you well being. In respect to her wishes, I bid you adieu. Till the next, mademoiselle et monsieur. ~stranger

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